Saturday, 26 November 2011

Nigel Farage To Neil Cavuto On The Euro Debt Crisis

Personally I am a huge fan of Nigel Farage and his dedication to truth, liberty and justice.  In my opinion he is a younger, more outspoken, British version of Ron Paul.  I also do like to listen to Neil but sometimes his views are tainted by the Fox network. Enjoy.

Sunday, 20 November 2011

The Federal Reserve Admits That They HAVE NO GOLD

The continuing saga of lies and deceit from the "Federal Occupying Bank" which is The Fed.  It's amazing to me that they get paid to represent the position of the privately owned Federal Reserve, yet when it comes to representing their employer, they "have no position".   The word contradiction is a three syllable word, but in this case I can think of two single syllable words that sum this conversation up quite nicely, BULL SHIT!

Friday, 18 November 2011

Occupy Protests are Actually Occupied By The Police, NOT Protestors

With the abuse of power and violent threats (under the veil of authority) happening all across the world at the "Occupy" protests, this BRAVE officer and TRUE public defender of freedom and liberty speaks out about the criminal 1% and their "private" security force.  We most definitely need more REAL men and women like Officer Raymond Lewis.  Godspeed to you sir.

James Turk & Eric Sprott Talk Gold, Silver & Fiat Dollar Devaluation

An in depth look from two very successful business men with decades of experience between themselves in the precious metals and commodities market.  When these guys speak, you should listen! Enjoy.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

The Great Greek Referendum & Possible Coming Tragedy

The Greeks are in a whole world of trouble, and I don’t mean “all of a sudden”.  This type of trouble that is brewing and in which I am referring to is this plan for a “Referendum”, which will give a direct choice to the people concerning the acceptance of any more government and EU bailouts for the already debt-ridden country.  It has been known for many months now that the people of Greece have already spoken and said NO.  They have said this in forms of protests, riots and defiance towards their local and federal government.  So why have a referendum if you already know what the answer is going to be? Why is nobody else asking this question?  Because I believe there is a bait and switch happening here, which doesn’t only involve Greece but the entire #Occupy movements across the world.  This event will set the set the stage for other governments across the world on how to deal with mass protest, unrest and civil disobedience towards each particular situation.  The plan to crash the world financial and monetary system is now reaching its final phases before the complete execution of this plan.  What we are seeing is the quiet before the storm, or maybe we are in the eye of the hurricane and just don’t know it yet?  One thing is for certain, and that is the Globalists plan for a New World Order is reaching its climax and all the dirty little tricks are now being released in full non view of the public. 

The Globalist’s plan is to start the domino effect by promoting Nationalism knowing that it will instantly turn violent.  Then they will push for complete martial law as a last Beta Test for future declarations of other nations within the euro will have to call for after the domino effect reaches them.  This is when a psy-op switches into a physical military op.  But before going into the unknown you send a scout, just like they used to do (minus the horseback and information delay). Modern day psy-ops are the military’s/globalist’s scouting program before any execution of plans or orders take place.  It’s like taking a shower in a strangers or friends home. You test and adjust the water before getting into the shower so you either don’t burn yourself or step into a cold shower.  What you are trying to do is find your comfort level before entering, but because you haven’t used that particular shower before, it will take an extra step or two to be sure that the water temperature will be where you want it when you are bathing.  Nigel Farage of the UK Independence Party warned of this some time ago.  I believe Nigel to be a brilliant and ballsy individual but I think even he would tell you that this isn’t some fantasy but rather history repeating itself.  Going back to one of the original and most famous psy-ops of history revolved around Nathan Mayer Rothschild in the 19th century and the British stock market.  During the battle of Waterloo (Britain vs France & Napoleon) Rothschild sent out a scout via horseback to determine who will win during this confrontation.  The market at the time was eyeing the results of this now famous battle because if Napoleon won then London could be next.  This would cause a catastrophe within the stock market and create a crash.  Knowing this was the basis of Rothschild’s scheme.  So After the British defeated Napoleon during the battle of Waterloo, Rothschild’s scout then returned to London in record fashion for the times, while exhausting his horse to near death in order to get the news back to Rothschild before the city of London found out the results for themselves.  This gave Rothschild a 24 hour window to execute his psy-op into a physical move.  What he did is stand out before the markets the very next morning with a sombre look on his face.  In the meantime, many traders knew that Rothschild was in the know before any modern society at that time by about a day or two.  So during that morning Rothschild began to sell off EVERYTHING.  With the other traders and bankers watching this, they assumed that Napoleon had defeated the British during the battle of Waterloo, so the market began a massive sell off based off of watching what Rothschild was doing and how he was behaving that morning before and during the market open.  After the massive sell off/crash, Rothschild then went back and bought everything back for pennies on the dollar while also increasing his positions substantially.  This dirty little trick gave birth to the Rothschild’s new ownership of Britain and its money supply(and in essence the worlds).  This set the standard for market corruption and disinformation tactics that are broadly used in today’s commodities and foreign exchange markets.  It is well known that these psycho paths use war as a tool for wealth and power accumulation without any remorse or consideration of human life and consciousness.  So now that I have covered in essence how a psy-op is conducted, executed and considered successful.  This situation in Greece can only lead to one thing if this referendum is not handled in a very careful manner and that is all out riots, violence and nationalism if the people feel betrayed any more than they already have been.  History shows us that democracy was always the greatest threat to socialist and fascist societies over the ages.    Could this be used as a trap and a tool to bring about this “Beta Test” for future societies that will experience this type of tyrannical approach? If successful this model will be used against all citizens of this world if we do not stand up and JUST SAY NO!  I wish the Greek people all the luck in the world and may God bless their efforts and protect them, but what I say to them now is stay cautious and keep your wits about you.  Say NO to VIOLENCE, say NO to Usury, say NO to the New World Order!  

Direct Democracy, For The People, By The People

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Guns, Gold &....Greif??

Is this is what it has come to?  The hording of gold and silver coins, ammuntion, storable foods, water, iodine etc?  One last item that we are already carrying on a daily basis that does not need to be packed, sorted, or rationed at any given time (but holds weight), is grief. I know many people (myself included) that are preparing for the worst but hoping for the best as we watch our sovereignty, life savings and homes be blown away by the corporate fascist winds that are sweeping across our planet.  From city to city, town to town, people are hording Grief, Anger and Despair by the tonne wether they are aware of it or not.  We see the springing's of "Occupy" movements all across the world which have gained strength in numbers and is well on its way to developing into a real political force in the near future.  One of the most distinguishable facts about the "Occupy Wallstreet" movement is not the fact that we are protesting Wall Street, but rather the lack of direction the movement has in itself.  I will get into this in another post but the point that I am trying to make is that there is a glue that binds this movement together.  This glue not only gives strength but it helps create a snowball effect, and this is why we are seeing these protests grow.  The glue that I am referring to is our collective Grief, Anger and Despair.  We are feeling the pressures from all fronts now, the war on for your mind and soul has been raging even before you knew that it existed.  What worries me in the upcoming future (what it may or may not hold) is that people will hold on to their glue for too long and will begin to toxically huff it.  Only knowing that it feels good when you’re in "mid-huff", but the after effects are catastrophic and would be felt for generations to come.  The point to this analogy is you may ask?  Well its simple, instead of preparing for the hard times which are upon our doorsteps like an unwanted Jehovah’s Witness (no offense) with the traditional tools of guns, gold and grief, try leaving the Grief out of the bag and keeping it off your back.  If we continue to hold on to this glue that is binding the 99% together (at this moment) without it evolving it into real change and love for one and another, then we will fall into the abyss of self- prophecy and misery, all because we underestimated ourselves while the "Masters" over- estimated themselves.  Don't let us become victims of irony, but rather be a victim love, life and freedom!  Instead of Occupying Grief, I will Occupy Love and Liberty.  These items don't need to be carried when the SHTF, but rather they will carry you.

Direct Democracy by the People for The People