Findng Truth Where Before There Were Only Lies and Deceit. Direct Democracy For The People, By The People.
Friday, 28 December 2012
Tuesday, 25 December 2012
Ben Fulford ~ The New World Order Has Been Defeated But The Old World Order Is Still Fighting
Benjamin Fulford | December 24 2012
are growing signs that the Bush/Nazi New World Order Nazi faction has
been defeated but that the Rockefellers and their allies in the Old
World Order faction are still fighting to preserve their power. It has
also now been confirmed that the new Japanese government headed by
Shinzo Abe and the Liberal Democratic Party was put in place via a
disguised military coup d’etat, according to Japanese military
intelligence sources. This implies the Rockefellers and their minions
are being forced out of Japan, a CIA source added. This means 66 years
of hostile foreign occupation of Japan may be about to end. There is
still secret fighting going on though.
The gnostic illuminati faction in the West, for its part, is claiming
victory and saying that “President Obama will leave the White House
hanging by his neck from a helicopter.”Of course the jury is still out on all this and only actual events and not talk, will determine if what the various sources are saying is true. However, it looks like it will be a Merry Solar New Year (even the pope now admits Christmas was not Christ’s birthday), and the power of love and friendship is winning over the forces of fear and hate.
There is also strong evidence emerging that the new Japanese government is planning to end the cabal’s monopoly on the creation of money by government money or Japanese greenbacks. Doing this would allow the Japanese government to write off its entire debt with the stroke of a keyboard. This plan is no longer something mulled on internet “conspiracy” sites but is actually the subject of discussion at major government sponsored conferences.
The IMF, for example, issued a report in August calling for government currency creation.
That report stimulated a recent conference of top policy makers in Japan who proposed their own version of this plan. The notes of this conference (in Japanese) can be seen at this link:
One of the lead economists behind this plan in Japan is Kaoru Yamaguchi, who says he worked with the authors of the IMF paper and that academic and government economists in Japan, the US and Europe are abuzz with talk of the concept of government created currency. Not only that, Japan’s military, yakuza and most police also support such a plan meaning that men in black sent by the Rockefellers etc. are not going to be able to stop it.
However, it is clear that there is still some fighting going on in the back-ground. Yoshinori Watanabe, the former head of the Yamaguchi Gumi Yakuza syndicate was killed earlier this month, according to Yakuza sources. Japanese newspapers reported the cause of death as illness but Yamaguchi, who retired in favour of Shinobu Tsukasa, the current head, was killed and that revenge attacks are being carried out.
Yamaguchi was forced to retire after former Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi cut off his government funding and money he earned from the meat business. However, despite the loss of funds he remained very influential and was working against the cabal.
The North Koreans are also now saying they will stop working for the cabal in Japan and in North Korea. However, they have been cut off from their “super K” CIA forged money as well as from the amphetamines business and need new sources of legitimate income to replace these important sources of foreign currency. They are asking for Japanese help. The White Dragon Society has suggested that a tunnel lining Japan to Korea would be a good way to help North Korea because a rail link from Tokyo to London, via the Korean peninsula, would cut freight costs from Europe to East Asia and provide legitimate income to North Korea.
The North Koreans also want to build a pipeline to ship Russian LNG to South Korea. The new regime in South Korea is likely to be amenable to this sort of proposal.
In any case, the cabal is running out of thugs for hire in Japan and that means they are losing control of this formerly lucrative enclave of theirs. Time to pack your bags Michael Green.
There are also signs that something is changing within the Japanese royal family. In specific it is being said the current crown prince may not inherit the throne, according to a royal family source. That is because he was forced to marry princess Masako, the daughter of Rockefeller stooge and International Court of Justice judge Hisashi Owada. This is the opposite of the conventional story being put out in the media and on the rumour-mill that he forced Masako to marry him. The reason the crown prince was forced into the marriage was because the Sabbatean mafia wanted to substitute a cabal family member as his heir and take over the royal family of Japan. Of course, as with anything connected to the Japanese royal family, information from anonymous sources needs to be taken with a grain of salt.
It is clear though that the Abe government in power is a military regime and it has already taken on emergency powers. However, Abe will not provoke Korea, China or Russia because they are not the real enemies. He will also work closely with the Pentagon white dragon sympathizers. The Pentagon good guys already won kudos by seizing a Nazi nuclear device, destined for Tokyo, from a submarine in the Indian Ocean. Events over the coming days will make it clear exactly how much Japan has really changed.
However, we are also hearing that a fundamental sea change has happened in England as well. It turns out that a lot of the gold in the vaults of the Bank of England has been stolen and replaced with tungsten laced bars, according to an MI5 source. The theft has been traced to the Bushes and to funds that were used to finance the Euro. For that reason the English are now openly talking about leaving the European Union, the MI5 source said. Tony Blair is also going to be taken in for rigorous questioning on his involvement in all this. Jacob Rothschild and James Sassoon will be too.
The situation is less clear in the US but it seems that the Sandy Hook murders have provoked the exact opposite reaction from what was intended. The inconsistencies in the official story, the videos of laughing actors suddenly turning into “grieving parents,” the reports of multiple gun-men etc. have outraged military and law enforcement types. It was, as a gnostic illuminati leader put it, “a fatal mistake.”
However, many of these dangerous and desperate criminals are on the loose and can still carry out other atrocities. That is why we must keep our powder dry and stay alert so that we can make sure to finish the job.
Nonetheless, it looks like the tide has turned coming new year will be happy. Merry Christmas and solar new year
Monday, 24 December 2012
Sunday, 23 December 2012
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012
Ben Fulford (Dec 17 2012) ~ The World Will Not End This Friday, December 21st 2012, But It Almost Did
Benjamin Fulford
This Friday will be the long talked about Mayan etc. December 21st, 2012 end of the world date. When that date comes and goes, it will be time to examine forensically exactly who was behind the various Nibiru, Planet X, photon belt, rapture etc. stories that all predicted the death of 80% or more of all humans. We need to do this because a very real plot to start World War 3 and a fake end-times did exist and, although the plot has been stopped, many extremely dangerous mass murderers behind this satanic scheme still walk the corridors of power in the West.The purge of the over 26 pentagon generals who and the fall of the Bush family are just a start. We need to deal with the rest of the cabal in order to make sure that humanity will never again be enslaved.
To help carry out this process, this week we will provide detailed forensic intelligence on some of the still active cabalists and their on the ground agents. We would also like to report extremely good, very concrete news on the new financial system but loose lips sink ships so we cannot give out much detail yet.
Since many of the top cabalists, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds are well known, we will concentrate on people who were directly involved in fighting against the White Dragon spokesperson. In Japan, the first people who began threatening, trying to drug and trying to kill me were self-described Ninja’s sent to me by former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi’s Finance Minister Heizo Takenaka. Their names are Shiramine and Tenzan Nakai. Shiramine threatened to kill me and Nakai tried to get me to drink a glass of orange juice spiked with amphetamines so he could ruin my image by filming me stoned.
Later an agent then going by the name of Slasha Zaric but now going by the name Alexander Romanov came to me with 70 kilos of marijuana laced with mind-destroying chemicals. The marijuana was delivered to Romanov by a South African using the name Spencer. Spencer, who is linked to MI6 says MI6 was fooled into sending Zaric to me by the CIA and says the spiked marijuana came from a man named Rodriguez (now dead) who was the former right-hand man of Columbian drug lord Pablo Escobar. Steve McLure, the “music journalist” who talked me into taking a line of cocaine while being secretly filmed also got his cocaine from the same ultimate CIA route.
This brings us to Tom Clines of Iran Contra South American drugs for weapons fame because his is the name dropped by Neil Keenan when he first contacted me.
MI6 asset Dr. Michael Van de Meer once warned me that former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair had bragged to him that I was going to be jailed on drug charges. Recall that Blair, together with George Bush Jr. both went to the pope to ask for protection and convert to Catholicism after leaving office.
Since that takes us to the Vatican, let us then return to the incident in Chiasso, Italy where two Japanese, Akihiko Yamaguchi and Tsuyoshi Watanabe, had $134.5 billion worth of bonds seized from them by the Italian police. After the bonds were seized, self-described Italian P2 lodge “prince” and heir Leo Zagami introduced Daniel Dal Bosco as a Vatican banker who could cash the bonds.
Neil Keenan was also involved because he was given an additional 1 trillion worth of bonds to hand over to Dal Bosco for cashing. Dal Bosco was then closely followed until the trail ended with the UN offering Dal Bosco $100 million to go away. Also, out popped a rival group calling itself the OITC, using David Sale as a spokesperson, claiming that it had the historical rights to the bonds.
At this point Peter Hans Kolvenbach, the Agnelli Brothers, Giancarlo Bruno, Vincenzo Mazzara, the Orsini family, Baron Thyssen, Carl Rove, David Eisenhower and a whole bunch of characters straight from central casting pop out.
Then, when the money still did not flow from Asia to the cabal, Japan was attacked on March 11, 2011 with nuclear weapons placed on the seabed to cause a tsunami and timed with the destruction of the Fukushima nuclear plant with a micro-nuke planted by the Israeli company Magna BSP. J.Rockefeller, Yasuhiro Nakasone, Ichiro Ozawa, Benjamin Netanyahu, Leo Zagami and Peter Hans Kolvenbach have all been forensically linked with this attack. When this mass murder still did not force the Asians to fork over more money, multiple attempts, all stopped by the Pentagon, were made to start World War 3.
There has also been a rash of murders and murder attempts. Some of the victims have been Japanese finance ministers and ambassadors as well as Dr. Van de Meer. The Van de Meer murder has been linked to David Eisenhower and the Bushes. None of these murders has caused the funds to flow.
There have also been murder attempts. On March 10th, the night before the attack, an attempt to poison me was made by yet another self-described Ninja linked to J. Rockefeller. Alexander Romanov also survived an assassination attempt that day. The next poisoning attack against me, when I was stabbed with a poisoned needle in June of this year, has been traced to a North Korean agent by the name of Mutsuaki Okubo, according to Chinese sources.
My suggestion is to round all these people up and start questioning them if they do not voluntarily come forward to confess.
Meanwhile, the Cabalists now seem to have split into two opposing camps. The Rockefellers and the pope are hoping to arrest the Rothschild family and dethrone the Queen, according to Neil Keenan.
Keenan, who has just returned from Indonesia, meanwhile, succeeded in photographing the, until now, legendary bunkers full of cash and gold that are there. The photos can be seen at this link:
Nonetheless, Keenan has still not been able to actually start dispersing any of the funds because he is still being blocked at some mysterious level. The man who was supposed to help him remains in jail in Indonesia.
This writer was also shown bunkers full of gold and cash last week but I have not been given permission to publish any photographs of them. However, we believe that the new government in Japan and the soon to be new government in Korea will coordinate with the new bosses in China and the re-elected Obama government to release a flood of money to the people of the world soon. We would like to believe it will happen in time for the December 25th solar new year celebration known as Christmas.
However, that depends on all the players giving up selfish thoughts.
Saturday, 15 December 2012
Friday, 14 December 2012
Wednesday, 12 December 2012
Monday, 10 December 2012
Friday, 7 December 2012
Wednesday, 5 December 2012
Ben Fulford (December 3 2012) ~ Putin, George Bush Sr., Saudi King Abdullah And Venezuela’s Chavez All Reported Ill During Same Week; Big Oil Involved
Benjamin Fulford
Last week there were a flurry of reports, all officially denied, that George Bush Sr., President Vladimir Putin of Russia, King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia and President Cesar Chavez of Venezuela were all suffering from serious health problems.Most intriguing of all is the article in the Houston Chronicle, linked in the widely read Drudge Report, about Bush’s health. If you click on the to the article above, the James Bond theme song starts playing and a video ad appears for the latest James Bond movie with a subtitle about Bush’s hospitalization at the bottom of the video (or at least it did at the time of writing this article).
White Dragon Society sources say that the Pope, the Rockefellers, The Queen, Obama and others decided to gang up on the Bush brothers who have now lost the ongoing power struggle in the West.
These reports coincide with a major move to start shipping North American oil and oil products to Asia as a substitute for Middle Eastern oil. It is also big oil’s plea to Japan to agree to a gradual transition away from oil and into new energy sources.
The effort to start shipping North American oil to Asia comes amid a glut (thanks to new technologies) in North American fossil fuel supplies. That is why it seems to be no coincidence that the heads of biggest non-North American oil powers (the Bushes control Iraq) all got “sick” simultaneously.
In this context, North American LPG and LNG is being offered to Asian buyers for long term contracts at a 30-50% discount from Middle Eastern prices, according to a major Japanese oil products importer.
Until recently the Japanese were forced to pay the highest prices in the world for oil and had to rely on the Middle East for almost all of it supplies. Any attempts to buy from elsewhere in the world were ruthlessly suppressed by Western oil oligarchs.
Negotiations have just started and the shift will take a few years (the time needed to build pipelines) using current technology.
Perhaps the sudden change of heart has to do with the fact that devices like this one are now available at Japanese electronics markets:
Here is a link to where you can actually order one of these devices online (if you can navigate through the Japanese):
The item is in the bottom right corner of the page. A Japanese reader of mine brought one of these generators to me and demonstrated it so I can say I have seen it with my own eyes. It runs for 120 hours on a small bag of salt water. Maybe soon, instead of charging the batteries for your mobile, you will just say “pass the salt.”
The sale of these items is linked to a recently held meeting of the heads of the secret society known as the Yatagarasu or three-legged crow that decided to make Japan an independent country and end 66 years of military occupation of Japan. The members of this group, who wear black veils to hide their faces when they meet, voted overwhelmingly for such a move. The presentation of evidence that Japan was attacked, for the third time, with nuclear weapons on March 11, 2011 helped clinch the vote.
Since the Japanese have long had alternative energy technology available to them they have now decided to go full speed ahead and start developing it.
Needless to say the fossil fuel giants, and the pentagon they pay for, are pleading for 100 years’ worth of oil based industrial infrastructure to be given time for a smooth transition. It has been informally agreed that for now at least, the new technology will be used for purposes, like turning deserts green, that current energy technology cannot accomplish.
The Nazi Zionists and their proxy country Israel are also now rushing to try to set up their Middle Eastern kingdom before they lose all control of their US puppet state. The third paragraph from the bottom of this article on the Mossad-linked Debka report basically admits this:
“recognition of Hamas at the expense of
Fatah in Ramallah as part of the burgeoning Sunni Muslim Middle East
axis, which is strongly though silently endorsed by the US and Israel.”
Needless to say, in their version, the “Sunni Axis” would be under the thumb of the Nazi created Muslim Brotherhood.The rest of the world is sick and tired of Zionist war mongering and the financial net against these thugs is getting tighter by the day. That is why the move away from Middle Eastern oil has begun. It is also why the “financial crisis” continues unabated in the Zionist controlled nations of the West.
In that context, the latest intelligence on the new financial system reveals that the US dollar is here to stay even though the soon to be restored Republic of the United States itself will start issuing its own separate (and devalued) greenbacks.
The reason for this, as mentioned before in this newsletter, is that most of the dollars ever created are not owned by Americans. Any attempt by the US to unilaterally devalue the US dollar would lead to other countries to devalue by the same amount, making such a move impossible. Let us face the facts; the US dollar is no longer American. The yen, yuan, ruble and other currencies will continue to gain in importance over the coming years but they will be part of an international basket with the dollar acting as a sort of averaging point between them. That average will probably slowly shift towards the Chinese Yuan but there will not be a “one world currency” as envisaged by the New World Order gang.
The historical rights of the original owners of the world’s treasures, mostly Asian royal families, are being reasserted and they will continue to act as caretakers for the gold and treasure that now back the de facto international dollar.
The story being told to me by highly placed power brokers is that there will be no big announcements of these changes but that future generations will look back and see that a mental pole shift in the human collective conscious towards love and harmony took place around about December 21st, 2012.
Monday, 3 December 2012
Sunday, 2 December 2012
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
Friday, 23 November 2012
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Ben Fulford (November 20 2012) ~ Why The West Lost To China And What It Can Do To Recover
Benjamin Fulford
A few years ago the conventional wisdom in the West was that maybe China might surpass the United States (a sub-section of the West) in 50 years. Now, any serious thinker understands that China is top dog and the West is in deep crisis. The Western nations have lost their moral, financial and political leadership of the world.This week we will look at why the leaders of the Western world nearly destroyed their own civilization. Then we will then try to figure out what to do to restore Western vitality.
The causes for the Western decline were years in the making. The results manifested themselves over a very short period. Our ancestors would have recognized the situation had its ultimate origins in moral failure on the part of our leaders. Here are the seven deadly sins of the West:
The pride that kills
Westerners as a whole are perceived by other peoples as arrogant, and rightly so. My own initial reaction to living in Japan was typical. Anything that Japan did that was different from how it was done in the West was wrong. I was constantly preaching to my Japanese friends (many soon to be ex-friends) and telling them what to do until it slowly dawned on me that I had more to learn that I had to teach.The Western (especially US) leadership has been doing the same: telling and forcing countries to adopt two-party Democracy and the “Washington (read Wall St.) consensus” on economic management. What they failed to realize is that ever since military defeat in colonial times other countries and cultures have been diligently studying the West and drawing their own conclusions.
The West, meanwhile, never thought that perhaps they should be studying other civilizations for clues on how to improve their own. The result is that other countries, especially in Asia, have combined the best of the Western with the best of their traditional culture to create a vital new hybrid, leaving the West to catch up.
Sloth: the laziness that saps strength
At some hard to define point over the past few decades use of phrases like “protestant work ethic,” to describe hard working Westerners has been replaced with phrases like “couch potatoes.”Westerners somehow thought they could let other countries do all the real work while they sat back and gave orders. The following joke sums up the situation fairly well:
“How many Anglo-Saxons does it take to change a light bulb?”
Answer: “Two, one to mix the martinis and another to look up an electrician in the phone book.”
This laziness resulted in over 30-years of merchandise trade deficits
in most Western countries and the bankruptcy it has now led to.Greed: the love of money over life
Perhaps the greatest sin among Western leaders. Enough has been written about the sins of greedy bankers that I do not need to say much. However, what many do not realize is that the love of money has literally made most Americans slaves to an artificial intelligence. Fantastical as it may seem, most of the profits generated by Wall Street are generated by artificial intelligences known as trading programs that have greed as their prime directive.They rule Wall Street. Wall Street in turn is ruled by a single concept: seek money. The fountain of money, the Federal Reserve Board, functions like a single non-human mind run by massive computer networks. Most politicians and top military leaders in the US receive bribes and take orders from Wall Street and so in effect, they pillage the planet on behalf of an artificial intelligence motivated by greed.
Perhaps the best example of a black hole of greed sucking life and vitality out of the United States is Walmart. In order to maximize the “profits” or money for Walmart, the middle-class in the US and its industrial infrastructure have been decimated. The six members of the Walton family now have more money than the poorest 100 million Americans.
Wrath: the cruelty that destroyed Western moral superiority
There was a time when the West was seen as the champion of human rights and morality. Now the West is rightly seen by the rest of the world as a collection of rogue nations. The murder and pillaging of millions of people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya are just the latest atrocities carried out by the fascist regime that took over power in the West after 911 in 2001. Western military forces now kill non-combatants, women and children in order to help fascist oligarchs steal their resources? Whatever happened to chivalry?Gluttony: the West is literally eating the world
Westerners, the majority of whom are obese, have destroyed vast areas pristine wilderness to satisfy a lust for ever more food. The destruction of tropical rain forests for agribusinesses like cattle ranches and palm oil plantations are the single greatest reason why Western civilization has wiped out 30% of all land species on earth in the past 100 years. Overfishing is helping accomplish the same things in the oceans.Greed for unnecessary food is wiping out variety in life that took billions of years to evolve. Hopefully the Chinese will do a better job of preserving global biodiversity.
Lust: Mistaken Malthusian fears of overpopulation have led Western rulers to do their best to divorce sex from procreation. Sex as a loveless non-reproductive sport is promoted through ubiquitous pornography. Homo-sexual marriage (that cannot produce children) is promoted while polygamy (that produces lots of children) is still criminalized in the West.
The result is that Western countries now all have shrinking, aging populations. The West is losing the battle of evolution which is won mostly in the bedroom.
Envy: The rulers of the West have been trying to start World War 3 and destroy 90% of humanity because they could not stand the idea of other cultures and nations surpassing them. It was their jealousy of other civilizations that led to their current international isolation.
So, what can the West do to recover?
Unfortunately, the first thing the West needs to do is what heroin addicts have to do to break their addiction: go cold turkey. In this case it is money addiction that needs to be cured. Money has no meaning unless it is backed by stuff that actually exists in the real world. That means Westerners have to start making stuff again. That means working again. To reverse what the Asian bar girls say: “No honey, no money.”
The West also needs to drain all the fraudulent money out of the political and economic system until money has real value again. The United States needs to stop using the foreign owned and operated, misnamed US dollar and start issuing its own currency. The Southern European nations also need to get off the Euro.
That will mean a temporary, and very brief, time when imports will suddenly become expensive. That is the pain.
Then there will be plenty of local manufacturing jobs as people buy local and exports are competitive again. There will also be plenty of tourist business creating jobs. That is the gain.
More importantly the countries of the West need to revamp their political and economic systems. They need to start imitating the Chinese and places like Singapore and create a hybrid between meritocracy and democracy.
The Chinese pioneered meritocracy with their imperial exams but, as my father once put it, “wasted it by devoting it all to memorizing those blasted ancient texts.” The British copied the system and improved it by basing the entrance exams on more modern and relevant topics. The Chinese then re-adopted that system and started adding their own improvements.
The new Chinese system combines meritocracy with real time democracy. Their leadership responds to opinion polls and blogs on a daily basis because they know that to do otherwise would lead to a loss of the Mandate of Heaven.
This system is still being tinkered with and improved but there can be no doubt the world’s center of economic gravity has shifted to China and will continue to do so as long as their system of government remains superior. However, the Chinese know from their own historical experience that a single central source of power, no matter how competent or benevolent, leads eventually to stagnation.
The West needs make sure we do not end up with a one-China world by setting up its own competing meritocratic systems. The pentagon is one example of a successful Western meritocracy that can be used as a model for a new system. The main, and fatal, flaw of the pentagon was that it was parasitical and not self-supporting.
The legal system remains perhaps the healthiest remaining part of the Western world but it too has been seriously undermined by corruption and lack of accountability or transparency.
Democracy was also a very good system in the past. It worked very well in a small city state where the rumour-mill provided freedom of information and town meetings could be called spontaneously in response to needs. However, it has been debased in most of the modern West by bribery, fraud, censorship, brain-washing and an inability to respond in real time to the emerging group-mind that is evolving on the internet.
That is why a new future planning agency needs to be established from the ground up so that it can incorporate the best methods and models from throughout the world and from the historical past.
If it is done right, the West can fully harness it’s still superior science and technology to help create an ideal world in harmony with nature and all humanity. What are we waiting for?
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Monday, 19 November 2012
Sunday, 18 November 2012
Friday, 16 November 2012
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Ben Fulford (Nov 12 2012) ~ World Intervention Saves Obama, Prevents World War 3
Benjamin Fulford
The Dragon family and governments of the non-Western world acted decisively to get Barak Obama re-elected as president because a Romney victory would have meant World War 3, according to multiple sources.Obama was cut off of his election finances by the Pope and the Queen three weeks before the election and would have lost if the Dragon family and others did not step in and finance him, according to CIA and Asian government sources. Obama returned the favor by complying to a request to purge Bush/Nazi operatives from the government and the military, the sources say.
That is why Timothy Geithner, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and other bush operatives were fired. The purge at the pentagon and agencies included CIA Chief David Petraeus, Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, US Army General Carter Ham, Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair, and US Navy Commander Joseph E. Darlak, according to CIA and other agency sources.
Obama now has a totally different set of handlers and teleprompter script writers than he did in his first term. The agenda he is expected to follow is to set the stage for a swords to plowshares transition of the military industrial complex.
He is also expected to oversee the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board.
The voting patterns for Obama reflected the fact that he was elected thanks to non-Europeans. He got over 70% of Hispanic, Asian and Jewish votes, close to 100% of African American votes and only 39% of European American votes. There was also massive support from the 180 nations of the world that are sick and tired of never ending American and European war-mongering.
Obama is now a high priority assassination target of the Nazi/Bush faction, according various sources.
The situation may actually lead to civil war against the Bush Texas stronghold. Since Obama got only a bit more than 30% of the European American male vote you can be sure there are lot of upset white men, many of whom belong to militias, who might fight with the Nazis, creating a potentially volatile situation.The White Dragon Society was not involved in the decision to back Obama but agrees with it, with some reservation, because the alternative was WW3.
The overwhelming Jewish support for Obama, despite Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s support for Romney, makes it pretty clear the Jews are sick and tired of being manipulated into fear and war by neo-Nazi Zionist thugs. The Israeli military and intelligence establishment has also finally figured out that they have been fooled into working as proxies for Nazi American and European tycoons and are no longer following the program. Netanyahu, who had his psychiatrist murdered, and was part of the 311 nuclear terror attack on Japan, will probably end up in jail when this is all over.
The Bush faction CIA agent “ambassador Stevens” was definitely behind the nuclear and tsunami mass terror attack against Japan on 311, according to MI6 and gnostic illuminati sources. He was tortured for 8 hours after his capture in Libya and spilled the beans on the plot to start WW3 with a false flag attack against US forces in the Persian Gulf. While he was hung out like a worm on a hook he reached out to various places asking for help which also helped reveal the network he was working for, they say.
Admiral Gaoutte, who wanted to help Stevens, was taken away in handcuffs and has not appeared in public since his arrest, meaning he is probably undergoing intense interrogation, pentagon sources say. Gaouette was planning to attack his own fleet and blame it on Iran in order to start a war, according to these sources.
The White Dragon Society also received a direct call from a senior pentagon general warning that Hurricane Sandy was just a foretaste of what would happen in Romney was not elected. Now we shall see what retaliation the Bush Nazi faction carries out now that their people are being purged following Obama’s victory.
There are also mass clouds of disinformation being put out now and it will take some time for it to clear up and reveal more about what is really going on.
For example many sources say George Bush Senior is senile and in a wheel chair and that Jeb Bush now runs the clan. However, Neil Keenan says Bush recently got a $5 million rejuvenation treatment in Hong Kong and is still fully in control.
This sounds far-fetched but Japanese military intelligence sources say former Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone recently appeared at a funeral looking far younger than his 94 years making many speculate he had been “replaced.” Other well-known gerontocrats like David Rockefeller also occasionally appear rejuvenated as if they had undergone some sort of treatment.
The other disinformation surrounds what CIA Chief Petraeus was up to. Some pentagon sources say he was planning to install himself as a Roman style emperor after killing Obama and staging a coup.
Others say he was a patriot who was fired to prevent him from testifying about what really happened to Stevens.
What is clear though is that the mass firings announced by Obama mark a major change in the US power structure.
A lot of Japanese power-brokers have been deeply upset by the Romney defeat, notably Junichiro Koizumi’s and Yasuhiro Nakasone’s people. That means that well-financed attempts to set up a new Nazi puppet regime in Japan are now doomed.
This is already becoming visible. Tokyo Governor and well-known China baiter Shintaro Ishihara resigned to start a new national political party after his son was defeated in his effort to take over the resurgent Liberal Democratic Party. However, Ishihara is not finding any followers and has committed political suicide. The moves to place charismatic Osaka major Toru Hashimoto, an Ishihara friend, as a new leader of Japan are also now being put to an end.
Instead it is now looking likely that the Liberal Democratic Party and ruling Democratic parties will merge and choose a new leader through an open and fair election.
The Chinese leadership transition is also still underway but the emerging consensus is that democratic and other reforms that the new generation carry out will resemble the Singapore model more than they resemble the US or European models.
The Europeans, for their part, still do not have access to printing presses for new money and the result is a slow implosion of government function and society in many of their countries. Money will flow again when the wars and terror are stopped.
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Monday, 12 November 2012
Sunday, 11 November 2012
Saturday, 10 November 2012
Friday, 9 November 2012
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Monday, 5 November 2012
Friday, 2 November 2012
Ben Fulford (Oct 29 2012) ~ Bush The Boogey Man Plays The HAARP As Halloween Approaches
Benjamin Fulford
High level pentagon sources contacted the White Dragon Society this week to warn that the massive storm hitting the US North-East this week was a HAARP attack by the Nazi faction of the Western oligarchy. At the same time, the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu has been spotted off the coast of Aichi, Prefecture near the Nagoya headquarters of Toyota Motors. Nazi representative Richard Armitage and US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian affairs are in Tokyo now warning a massive new earthquake attack on Japan will take place as soon as they leave, unless they get their way, according to Japanese security police affiliated with the WDS.Lord James Sassoon has also been making astronomical bribe offers to a variety of Japanese politicians, right wing power brokers and gangsters as he tries to keep the Sassoon Asian empire afloat.
A top source at the Bank for International Settlements also contacted with WDS with a combination threat/bribe.
A group of young Chinese generals and industrialists too have come forward with offers of heavy support during the past week.
All of these moves are signs of intensified power jockeying in the run up to planned government changes this fall in the US, China, South Korea, Japan and elsewhere.
The Nazis under Bush are insisting that their man Romney be put in power during the November 6 (not 8 as erroneously reported by this newsletter on previous occasions) “election” or else they will wreak steadily intensifying havoc. Other threats believed to be connected to the Nazis include a warning to hit Geneva with a tsunami caused by a landslide and to hit the US West coast with a mega-earthquake.
They have targeted the North East of the US with a storm as a show of power and as a sign of their opposition to the Eastern establishment and their man Obama, the Pentagon source says.
Of course neither Obama nor Romney has more than 15% support in the real world (as opposed to the Stalinist “polls”), making it a perfect time for an independent candidate like Ron Paul to kick both bums out.
Some of the Nazi demands were hand delivered to this writer in a letter written by a person believed to have been close to post-war Nazi Fuehrer Admiral Canaris. The main demand of the letter is to allow the free energy technology to be released to the people of the planet.
Free energy, if used for constructive purposes, would allow for an era of unprecedented growth and prosperity for the planet and the WDS has always supported it. The problem is in that years of research on this subject, nobody has been able to show this writer personally an actual working free energy device. If the Nazis have free energy technology they should just go ahead and release it.
Of course the existing energy industry accounts for a huge percentage (some estimate as high as 70%) of global economic activity and a smooth transition to the new technology (if it really exists) is recommended to prevent chaos and major possible social disruption.
The BIS source, for his part, said the Western elite still wanted a World War in order to rid the world of two-thirds of its population prior to setting up a world government according to a 1973 Club of Rome plan.
The map in the link above shows the end game of the BIS led group, this source said. The titular head of the BIS is Ben Bernanke. This BIS source also said the US Federal Reserve Board was already being shut down and that all its powers and staff were being transferred to the US Treasury Department. There was also a hint that vast funds would start to flow towards the WDS if it went along with the program.
Of course since the US is no longer a democracy, transferring Fed powers to the Treasury at this point is a bit like changing the titles on the name cards but leaving the usual suspects in charge.
The Asian power brokers who approached the WDS representative in Indonesia last week were more of the mind to replace the entire top management of the planet and bring in new blood with new ideas.
Certainly a lot of us wonder why a bunch of 80 and 90 year olds who seem to have secret access to life prolonging medicine (denied to the rest of us), should be allowed to remain in charge.
The general impression from the flurry of contacts and threats last week is that there are now three main factions battling for control of the future of this planet. One is the committee of 300 with the Pope and Queen Elizabeth pushing for Obama, the other is the Nazis under Bush et al pushing for Romney and the third is us peasants who just want these murderous power games to be replaced with love and friendship.
We also need to remember that this week is Halloween. Halloween has traditionally been the time, when the harvest is just in, when the poor go to the rich and ask for their fair share so that they can survive the winter. If the 99% do not get their “treat,” you can be sure they will follow with a “trick.”
If the elite try to again use mass murder and terror to control the poor, they and their extended families will be systematically hunted down and slaughtered. The average person does everything possible to avoid violent confrontation but when you try to kill their families and loved ones, their righteous fury is unstoppable.
The general understanding of the WDS and its allies, though, is that we have a clear choice between a win-win solution for everybody and a lose-lose solution for everybody. War and terror is a two-way street, so is love and friendship.
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Sunday, 28 October 2012
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Ben Fulford (Oct 22 2012) ~ Will There Be A Coup D’etat In The US During The Next Couple Of Weeks?
The people in charge at the US
agencies and military know the presidential election scheduled for November
8th will be a fraud and a sham no matter what the outcome. That is why many
reliable sources are saying US militias and reserve troops were put on alert last
week. They have either started to mobilize either to pre-empt the elections and
put the Joint Chiefs of Staff in charge of an interim government or to get
ready to act in anticipation of post-election violence and chaos, depending on
who you talk to.
In any
case, it is no coincidence that both the US and China will be selecting a new
government on November 8th and there is a lot of plotting and speculation going
on beneath the surface as that date approaches.
In Europe
as well, there are signs of a fundamental struggle reaching a climax as the IMF
and certain governments face off against the bankers over control of the
process of money creation.
A lot of
shadowy organizations have also now informed the White Dragon Society that,
should they stand in the way, certain prominent individuals around the world
are scheduled to die of stroke, heart attack, cancer or bullet wound over the
coming weeks.
murder of CIA “ambassador” Stevens in Libya, was a part of the ongoing battle.
According to the gnostic illuminati, Stevens was murdered because of his role
in smuggling the nuclear weapon into Japan that was used in the 311 tsunami and
nuclear terror attack.
It is
true that there is a resemblance between the Stevens who was implicated in the
nuclear attack on Japan and the one killed in Libya. However, the Stevens in
Asia was supposed to be a British SAS trained former senior Hong Kong police
official while the Stevens in Libya was CIA.
There is
a deliberate fog of disinformation surrounding this death but what is clear
from public statements is that the Obama faction failed to protect him and the
Bush faction are furious about this fact. It is also well known that there was
no US embassy in Benghazi and that Stevens was involved in some sort of
violence related clandestine work.
This is
also linked to the upcoming US “presidential election” farce. Plenty of
insiders have forwarded information showing links between Romney’s Bain capital
and drug money laundering, making it clear Romney is the Nazi candidate. On the
other hand Obama is seen by many right wingers as the foreign born Muslim
communist candidate. As mentioned before the Queen and the Pope have been
funneling billions to Obama while the Bush folk finance Romney.
In either
case, there is expected to be widespread violence and rioting if either Romney
or Obama win.
obvious answer to most intelligent observers is that neither of the two
gangster front men should be put in charge of a United States government that
desperately needs its biggest overhaul since 1776.
The next
few weeks should show if the US military and agencies are staffed with men or
In Europe
as well, the signs of a major split between two powerful factions are
everywhere to be seen. When even establishment worthies like UK Telegraph
columnist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard start writing about IMF plans to eliminate debt and
dethrone bankers, you know the struggle is taking place at the
highest levels of power.
the Atlantic-centered debate between the people who want governments to print
money and use that to eliminate all public and private debt, and those who say
people must pay what they can to the bankers forever, forgets that the rest of
the world is also involved.
In other
words, plans like the Wanta-Mitterand protocols that call for the creation of
trillions of dollars of government-controlled money forget that the Atlantic
nations as a whole have been borrowing from the rest of the world for 30 years
and will not be allowed to print their way out of that accumulated external
debt. The solution cannot be made by North America and Europe without the
agreement of their external creditors, especially in Asia.
Chinese, for example, are being asked to buy US external debt and finance US
consumer lifestyles but are being prevented from making job-creating direct
investment in the US. This is not a realistic long term scenario.
The fact
remains the Southern European nations need to abandon the Euro and the United
States needs to issue a government greenback separate from the international US
dollar. That is the economic reality.
more information has emerged during the past week about the incoming new
Chinese government’s plans. Essentially, the new regime will focus on
increasing Chinese soft power and pushing for the right to allow Chinese
companies to make major investments and acquisitions in Europe, the US and
In Japan
the plan is to buy an ailing major company that is listed in the first section
of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and revitalize it as a way of getting a say inside
the board-rooms of Japan Inc. If such a buyout attempt is rebuffed, the Chinese
will retaliate against Japanese companies operating in China, according to a
Chinese government agent.
It is
likely that a similar approach will be made towards Europe and the US. In other
words, the Chinese want to buy real things that exist in the real world and
will not buy paper, government or otherwise.
Chinese will continue to have a policy of strongly fighting any attempts at
bullying while simultaneously offering win-win alternatives. Such Chinese
investments should be welcomed so long as they benefit the people and
governments of the host country involved.
The long
term case studies for cooperation they are holding up as examples for others to
follow are Singapore, Hong Kong, South Korea, Vancouver and (to a lesser
extent) Japan.
In Japan
meanwhile, there are also many plans for fundamental change. The ruling
Democratic Party of Japan is expected to lose most of its seats in the yet to
be scheduled but soon promised general election. The Liberal Democratic Party
is expected to get a big boost but fall short of a majority. That is expected
to leave the new Japan Restoration Party as the king maker in a coalition
government with a big reform mandate.
Japanese underworld, for their part, are promising that any members of the old
regime who try to block the reforms will begin to “suffer from strokes and
heart attacks.”
The Japanese Imperial Household is planning to move to Kyoto as a part of a shift of some government functions to the Kansai area in Japan once the Atlantic power struggles settle down.
The Japanese Imperial Household is planning to move to Kyoto as a part of a shift of some government functions to the Kansai area in Japan once the Atlantic power struggles settle down.
The new
international economic planning agency is expected to be one of the
center-pieces of the shift. Such an agency would help solve various
nationalistic and historical problems by providing a neutral ground for elite
government officials to make plans for the planet as a whole and not just their
particular region.
It can
also now be reported that the Chinese, the pentagon, the Japanese government
and other groups all support the creation of the new international economic
planning agency. Such an agency would work in harmony with existing international
We can
also report that Neil Keenan is now in Asia working with the Dragon family on
setting up the new international financial system.
Monday, 22 October 2012
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Friday, 19 October 2012
Thursday, 18 October 2012
Wednesday, 17 October 2012
Ben Fulford (Oct 15 2012) ~ The Oligarchs Of The West Keep Churning Their Wheels But Only Manage To Get Deeper Into The Mud
Benjamin Fulford
Last week 20,000 bureaucrats, journalists and government officials descended on Tokyo for a WB (World Bankrupt) and IMF (International Masturbation Fund) meeting and accomplished exactly nothing.The meeting was a total waste of time because neither of these two Western controlled institutions are willing to hand over control to the people and countries of the world. As a result, the 180 or so countries that are kept out of the control room naturally refused to hand over any more money to these defunct, unlicensed institutions.
Although this writer was in Tokyo and even walked within a few hundred yards of the festivities, he did not bother to go because having attended many such meetings over the years, he knew this one was doomed to be a dud. The Chinese made their feelings clear by not sending anybody senior.
As usual, the real news was happening under the surface where a titanic battle against the old world order continues to rage. In one development in that battle, at least $1.3 billion that went missing from the Japanese AIJ pension fund was traced to Lord James Sassoon via Societe Generale and HSBC, according to Japanese security police sources. At the time of this writing Sassoon has not responded to a call made to get his comment on these allegations.
However, it is clear that attempts by cabalists to loot large Japanese institutions like the Postal Saving Bank and the Japan Agricultural Bank have run into a brick wall in recent years, forcing the robbers to look further down the food chain towards the pension funds of medium and small enterprises.
In any case, the Sassoon family, who have been in business in Asia since they made their family fortune trading in opium during and after the opium wars, is widely believed to have continued major secret influence in Japan and Asia. It also likely that some of the recently stolen money was given to certain Yakuza gangs (who will remain nameless for now) to finance certain political maneuvers.
Also, given the Societe Generale/HSBC link one wonders if this is the funding for the Japan side of the attempt to get the Japanese and Chinese people to declare war on each other. Both Lord Sassoon and Mr. Cohen of the Hoche Group (who has been paying Chinese anti-Japanese protestors) need to cease and desist immediately or else face eventual jail time.
There has also been a new development in the investigation of the attempted murder of this writer that took place in June of this year. According to the Swiss authorities, the murderers have been traced to the following Los Angeles phone number: 323653xxxx. The number might have been changed by now but you can be sure these people are being traced and hunted down.
There has also been a recent increase in people making both public and private accusations that this writer is either CIA or MI5, which is false.
The Japanese tax authorities have just been through 7 years of this writer’s tax returns with a magnifying glass and have determined that my income derives purely from journalism and no organized violent organization; police, criminal or otherwise, has been funding my operations.
For the sake of clarity and to blow away the clouds of disinformation being put out, let me repeat the reasons for my involvement in secret groups like the Red and Blue and the White Dragon.
This writer, after 20-years as a mainstream corporate journalist based in Tokyo, was put on a hit list after he started writing about 911 and the bio-weapon SARS. There was even a novel (Rain Fall, by Barry Eisler) written in which a character based on this writer was assassinated in what was probably a crude warning.
The fact is, the murder attempts began for real shortly after this book was published. Later, the South Korean secret police heard of an imminent hit and alerted the Chinese who sent a delegate from the Red and Blue to offer me protection. At the same time I was invited to join the cabal and offered billions of dollars and great power as long as he went along with their depopulation plans.
After joining the Red and Blue, this writer suggested they immediately decapitate the cabal by grabbing their top leaders and taking them to a stadium. The Red and Blue leaders instead decided on a slower approached based on a financial boycott. This is why the “Ninja’s” never showed up as threatened be me. Instead, this slow cutting off of the financial circulation they engineered was the ultimate trigger of the ongoing US and European “financial crises.”
The Red and Blue leaders also asked this writer to make contact with any Western secret societies that like them could only be used for the greater good. This writer then started using the Black Dragon Society name in order to contact old allies in Japan of the Red and Blue. After some convincing, the Black Dragon also supported the plan to end Western cabal rule.
At around this time all sorts of people and organizations popped out of the woodwork and contacted this writer including: the CIA, the gnostic illuminati, MI6, Japanese military intelligence, various yakuza gangs, FSB, Scottish Rite Freemasons, French Freemasons, P2 lodge Italian Freemasons, etc. etc. Being in contact with these groups is not the same and being a member or of being in agreement with them.
In the end, it turned out there was a very secret, very powerful Asian umbrella group known as the Bai Lun or Hakuryu (白龍) that had both Deng Xiaoping and Chiang Kai-Sheck as members. This group was contacted via a Chinese noodle shop and they agreed that the English name White Dragon Society could be used as a name representing the consensus of benevolent Western and other world secret societies.
Thus, whenever these various secret groups agree on a certain subject, the consensus is conveyed to the public via the White Dragon Society. The consensus is to start OSC.
Tuesday, 16 October 2012
Monday, 15 October 2012
Sunday, 14 October 2012
Saturday, 13 October 2012
Thursday, 11 October 2012
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Ben Fulford (Oct 8 2012) ~ Are Syria, Jordan And Israel About To Revert To Turkish Control?
Benjamin Fulford
The passing by the Turkish parliament last week of a law authorizing war against Syria may be part of a secret plan to restore Middle-Eastern peace by placing Turkey in charge of the region. This would mean putting Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel and maybe Iraq under Turkish rule as a part of a loose confederation of countries that have, for many thousands of years, been part of the same cultural tradition. Only the Luciferian state of Israel has the military ability to stop Turkey but since it is fast losing the financial and moral support of the Jews, it would probably agree to join a loose Turkish federation rather than lose all military and financial support from outside of the region.This would mean the Rothschild plan would blow up, and the political map of the Middle East would revert to something similar to what prevailed before they took over the Federal Reserve Board, started World War I and got the Balfour Declaration signed.
In the US, meanwhile, Pentagon and agency sources say that key leaders of the Sabbatean sect or Khazarian mob are being systematically apprehended and cut off from all communications with the outside world.
Also last week two very high level attempts to release huge dollar and yen based funds worldwide were detected and stopped by unknown parties who acted to prevent these funds from falling into the hands of the usual bunch of old world order suspects.
In general, though, heavy secret horse-trading continues around the world as the attempt to create a fascist world government collapses.
A senior Chinese agent met with a White Dragon Society representative last week and
there was a friendly exchange of views. The view of the incoming Chinese government nominally headed by compromise candidate Xi Jinping is that China’s long term plan is to take over the Okinawan archipelago as a prelude to taking over Japan, according to the agent.
The White Dragon representative, pointing to the fact the staff at the modest Tokyo restaurant where they met was, as is typical these days, Chinese, said China has 10 times the population of Japan and that they could best accomplish their goals through peaceful means like immigration, purchases of Japanese corporations, student exchanges etc.
The Chinese representative answered that the latest Chinese government strategy already called for a major buying binge of Japanese corporations, stocks, real estate etc. The presence of large amount of Chinese immigrants in the Japanese workforce was also the result of an old threat to flood Japan with 100 million boat people, he said.
If China was feeling impatient, the WDS suggested, they could speed up the Asian integration process by moving some of the capital city functions of Beijing to Nara prefecture Japan as part of the establishment of an international economic planning agency. In the right circumstances, the WDS added, such an agency could hire the services of the Pentagon.
The Chinese representative will go back to China this week for further consultations.
There were also parallel secret negotations that we cannot talk about now other than to say that they involve gold, oil and replacing the US dollar.
In a separate development, Japanese police working for the Sabbatean mafia have been planning to once again arrest Shinobu Tsukasa, the head of the Yamaguchi Gumi yakuza syndicate, according to Japanese WDS sources. The charges are expected to be related to the fact the Yamaguchi Gumi gets income from advertising placed by companies in the adult entertainment business.
This move by the police is extremely stupid and dangerous, according to Japanese underworld sources. The top Japanese agents for the Sabbatean cabal in Japan would become primary targets of all Japanese yakuza syndicates if they proceeded with such harassment even as they ignored the people responsible for the mass murder that took place on March 11, 2011.
The police have been provided evidence that Yasuhiro Nakasone, Ichiro Ozawa, Tsuneo Watanabe and other top criminals were involved in the 311 nuclear and tsunami mass murder and terror attack. For the police to pursue possible minor infractions in sex business advertising while ignoring the mass murder of their own citizens would be a declaration of war by the Sabbatean mafia and their Japanese slaves against the people of Japan.
In the US meanwhile, the Pentagon has been working closely with the US militia movement to coordinate the dismantling of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA CORPORATION and restore the Republic of the United States of America. As mentioned above, key cabal members have already started vanishing one by one from public view, according to pentagon and agency sources.
In the cabal controlled US election farce, meanwhile, the Pope and Queen have been funneling billions of dollars each to get Obama re-elected as US president, according to Italina P2 Freemason sources.
They are fighting against the Bush crime family who want their front man Romney in power. In either case, this intelligence insulting show will be decided behind closed doors and Mossad companies, who count US votes, will rig the results accordingly.
The pentagon and the agency guys say they will make sure the election does not go ahead until democracy is restored. They are working with one militia group linked to Jesse Ventura and Ron Paul and another one working with “Drake.”
Since there have been so many false promises of action by the military and agencies, only believe it when you see it.
In Canada, meanwhile, there is an ongoing attempt to take over and shut down the entire East coast fisheries industry by cabal linked groups. Anybody trying to mess with those guys should remember the following “Newfie” joke:
“What is black and blue and floats in St. John’s harbor?”
“A mainlander who told a Newfie joke.”
“A mainlander who told a Newfie joke.”
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