Sunday, 29 April 2012

Insider Drake, Ron Paul & The Alternative Media

  Tonight I caught myself in the mirror asking why.  Why is it that when I wake up in the morning, that I want more and need more.  I have a job, a place to rest my head and hell, I even have a place to go to on the weekends if I feel that I need to "get out of the city".  Sounds like the perfect scenario right?  Maybe to most, the idea of having certain "freedoms" would be "good enough" or what everybody strives for, but for me I am still unhappy.  I not only want a better life, I search for and desire a better life.  Not just for myself, but rather for my family, the future of it and ultimately the people that are part of my community.  Should I consider myself spoiled or unworthy of the life that I possess, or maybe just un-grateful?  I not only feel that there is something unfoundingly wrong with today's current society but I feel the greatest of needs to do something about it.  Call me crazy but I know that certain agencies and people are reading and documenting this right now but I really don't care anymore.  Key words in Google, phrases and government controls, are the new norm with a "post 9/11" world, but as I am saying this, I am furious!  Our freedoms, liberty and right's to a just society are disappearing right before our eyes, as we watch a great race go backwards and deteriorate right before our eyes in the name of profit and corruption.  I, as a citizen of this planet and as a friend and neighbor cannot go quietly into the night, nor can I be silenced.  I cannot have patience because it has been spent.  I cannot be obedient for I have been so, for far too long already.  I cannot be tolerant because I have a moral stance that needs to be taken.  I cannot go unheard for my voice is strong.  I cannot be abused, for I have been abused since birth and it is time for my escape from such an environment.  I cannot be ignored for I can be counted, seen and observed as a human being!!!  We have been on our knees for much too long, and I am sick and tired of being told what to think, how to see things and how to live!  What kind of a person am I if I choose to live in fear?  Fear of death.  Fear of persecution.  Fear of rejection.  Fear of poverty.  Fear of living....  Hope is what drives a human being and what gives us our divine inspiration unto the individual, along with the potential and ability to love.  What else makes us human?  Everything I see today is an effort to demoralize us, and to make our children believe that love and hope can be bought, sold and "rehypothecated".  What have we done?  Where are we going, and is anybody listening?  Are you not tired of the typical day in and day out type of survival scenario that we call "life"?  Can't we not have a voice or an opinion without a government label or a discriminatory stance taken against us, and if so who really cares?!  Are you not an individual, or do you consider yourself a part of the hive?  I have heard many things recently concerning people, politics and possible future events.   Let us start with this so called "Insider Drake".  I really do like what he has to say and what his message stands for but can I trust it?  I really don't know as a matter of fact, but I would like to believe it.  Ron Paul is also a person of interest for the last few years of my life and would love to see him in office and not be assassinated within his first term of the presidency, but will it happen(the presidency I mean)?  The alternative media has been exploding for the past few years as well, which has almost brought the main stream media to its knee's as of late because of the internet and its massive global reach, but will it last?  These are questions coupled with hopes and dreams of a better society.  I am so thankful that at least we still have hope.  Hope is the glue that binds the human spirit and what gives us strength in the deepest and darkest of hours no matter the situation or who we are.  No matter what you believe in or the message that either Drake, Ron Paul, or the Alternative Media present to you as “fact” or “fiction”, just remember that the direction is all of the same.  This direction cannot be slowed, stopped or even patted down!  Hope is our glue, and direction is our sword!  We as a human race are now challenged with the greatest of all challenges, ourselves.  Overcoming each other has always been easier than overcoming ourselves, but this time we have tools in which to help.  Our direction in which we share is a freight train of new dreams and ideas and this train is fueled by the hope and direction of the human spirit.  We all have a choice to make from here-on-in.  Will we fight for each other, or continue to fight for ourselves?  The ones that understand the good fight most likely have already made this choice and already have started fighting the “good fight”.  We have built our fences and defended our yards, but what about you?  Are you ready for the rest of you lives and eternity to follow?  If so, don’t you now feel liberated?  May God bless us all and may we find our victory, within in ourselves and then with each other!

Pills for war thrills: 110k US troops on prescribed meds

Insider Drake Freedom Reigns Update April 29, 2012

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Ben Fulford (April 23 2012) ~ Major Confrontations In South China Sea As Desperate Cabal Tries To Steal Asian Gold Deposits

Benjamin Fulford

Reports from Philippino tribes-people and the White Dragon Society members indicate a major military stand-off is taking place in the South China Sea and the Philippines over control of historical gold deposits in the region. A fleet of 8 US war-ships is being confronted by a joint Chinese/Russian fleet in the region. The Chinese have publicly announced they are willing to go to war over this dispute. The US warships are linked to a mysterious Hong Kong based individual by the name of “Rosenberg” (first name not known), the CIA sources say. Rosenberg is believed to be seeking physical gold to seize on behalf of the Nazi/Sabbatean cabalist owners of the Federal Reserve Board, these sources say. In the Chinese government and Western corporate propaganda news this dispute is described as being a Chinese Philippine dispute over an area, blocked out on Google Earth, known as the Scarborough Shoal by the West and the Huangyan Islands by China.
This dispute is linked to the failed IMF and World Bank meetings that took place in Washington D.C. last week. It is also linked to an ongoing power struggle between the three factions in China, multiple sources say.
The US, or should we say, Nazi (national socialist Zionist) forces have been systematically searching bunkers and caves in the Philippines even as they look for sunken gold ships around the Huangyan Islands and in other areas, the sources say.
This is what an ASEAN White Dragon Society ally had to say to Neil Keenan on the subject:
Hello Neil. In PALAWAN, those that are LOCALs are now terrified, letters have gone to us all last week…Re – so CALLED “wardens” ( accredited officers _ who are US army “scouts” going round to do a census on all local residents and buildings, saying it’s for our own protection…this has never happened before, they are with sophisticated equipment…loading huge cargo like hanger CONTAINERs, all of army material !!!!!! they already have taken on 6 islands and are now off to JOLO ( SULU islands) due to IMF and Rebel tribe bandits.
There is definitely a WAR going to happen but what we are told is the ARMIES in / on the islands are for FUEL bases, ???? some of these ships are with FUEL/ something going on Neil it is same in Indonesia.
These reports come as Chinese and Russian fleets converge on the area for exercises that coincided with US announcements of joint Philippine/US maneuver in the same region.
Here is a US government propaganda report:
China Sends Second Boat To Standoff With Philippines
Here is what the Chinese foreign minister had to say on the subject during an April 16th press conference:
Q: The Philippine Foreign Ministry reportedly said that a Philippine ship conducting archaeological studies in waters off the Huangyan Island was harassed by the Chinese side. How do you respond to that?
A: Currently the situation over the Huangyan Island has been eased thanks to the efforts made, and China and the Philippines are making further communication through diplomatic channels. According to relevant international conventions and Chinese laws, no organization or individual shall conduct such activities without the permission of the Chinese Government. China demands this archaeological ship to leave the waters off the Huangyan Island immediately.
The “archaeological ship,” has so far failed to locate the gold deposits it arrived to search for, CIA sources say. In any case, this battle by the cabalists to steal gold is actually a sign of desperation after their failure, despite multiple attempts, to gain legal rights to the 85% of humanity’s gold held by Asians. This gold grab is seen by many as last minute looting by cabal members hoping they will still be able to control the world with gold even as their fiat financial rule collapses. That is not going to happen.
This brings us to last week’s IMF and World Bank meetings in Washington. The Western propaganda media reports a “victory” by the IMF because it was able to get $430 billion worth of funding for Europe. Japan’s slave government, for example, handed over $60 billion in cabal money originally earmarked for post-tsunami reconstruction.
However, a look at the fine print reveals the BRICs nations have made their funding conditional on reform of IMF voting rights. As Brazil’s Finance Minister pointed out, at present the UK, which has a smaller economy than Brazil, has twice the IMF voting rights as Brazil.
The European nations are willing to increase BRICs voting shares in the IMF but the US is blocking it because it would then have to give up control of the World Bank. Certainly the European bond markets were not fooled by the announcements coming out of this meeting because Spanish bond yields actually rose after it.
In any case, both the IMF and the World Bank are increasingly irrelevant.
Think about it for a minute, the IMF, the so-called lender of last resort in the post war era, the group that once “bailed out” Russia, is running around with a begging bowl make it obvious to all this institution is no longer at the top of the international financial food chain.
The World Bank, for its part, lent out only $42 billion in new money in 2011, compared to a world GDP of roughly $75 trillion. They are a puny organization.
By contrast, the White Dragon Society is proposing the creation of a Long Term Infrastructure for Everybody (LIFE) planning agency with initial funding of $800 trillion. Of course at this level, numbers are meaningless.
The current rules allow the Japanese to leverage their $8 trillion in hard foreign exchange assets 100 times, meaning 800 trillion dollars or over $100,000 each for every man woman and child on earth (as a Japanese reader pointed out, I miscalculated in previous reports by saying that was available on 10 times leverage).
Even if you take the more conservative Basel 3 rules with over 10 times leverage, Japan can still legally make $10,000 available for every human, still plenty enough to end poverty and stop environmental destruction.
If this money is delivered in the form of things that really exist, such as roads, schools, nature preserves, consumer products etc., then there is no limit to how much new money is created other than reality.
Needless to say China, ASEAN, Brazil, Russia etc. can all make similar moves in harmony and parallel with Japanese efforts.
The cabalists, for their part, have been making a desperate push to ensure their survival. They have blocked all efforts to create new organizations such as LIFE within the existing US dollar and Euro based systems even as they refuse fundamental reform of their organizations such as the BIS, the UN, the World Bank, the IMF, the “World Court,” etc.
They also made a big push in China to convince leaders like Hu Jintao the White Dragon Society is a neo-colonialist organization controlled by the Rothschild family. The WDS has no Rothschild family members in its ranks and does not receive a penny from the Rothschilds or other cabal families like the Rockefellers and Bushes. It is dedicated to ending their terrorist misrule of the planet.

Monday, 16 April 2012

Ben Fulford (April 16 2012) ~ It Is Time To Take The Ring Of Power To Mount Doom

Benjamin Fulford

The battle for control of the global financial system and thus the future of the planet has reached a temporary deadlock as the committee of 300 struggles to maintain power even as the rest of the world continues to push for a fair, free and open financial system controlled by the people of the planet. The situation has reached the point where physical action against the committee (mainly in the form of mass arrests) has become the only possible recourse.
One problem, of course, lies in the issue of what to do about the “ring of power,” or the job hitherto referred to as M1, wherein a single individual has ultimate control over the creation and distribution of money. There is no M1 now according to the Swiss government and other sources. Somebody needs to make sure that never again is single individual given such power and that means metaphorically taking the centralized control of finance and dissolving it in the “Mt. Doom,” of the Lord of the Rings to ensure that humanity is once again free from debt slavery and horror. There were many meetings world-wide last week aimed at accomplishing exactly this.
In Japan a representative of the White Dragon Society met with top Finance Ministry official Eijiro Katsu and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa last Thursday to discuss what to do about the astronomical sums placed inside Federal Reserve Board and Euroclear computers by competing factions.
The answer they gave is that Japan wants to go ahead and start using the funds for the benefit of the planet but that the Japanese authorities needed to proceed cautiously.

Translation: They want to make sure they are on the winning side and will keep a low profile until then.

The committee of 300 tried to cash $600 trillion worth of bonds, through Dr. Zvonko Berdik-Albert, “President and CEO of the World Economy & Finance Treasury.” They claimed to represent the Dragon Family Royal Society composed of Asian royal families but as reported last week it turns out to have been an attempt by the committee of 300 to pretend they represented Asia. However, their representative has since ceased all contact with either the White Dragon Society or the Japanese government.
In a different move, Neil Keenan and Keith Scott issued a cease and desist against UBS Chairman Kaspar Villiger and a Singaporean agent by the name of Alex Ling Lee Soon who were caught trying to get their hand on the real dragon family’s funds. Shortly after that UK Prime Minister David Cameron also tried to get his hands on the money but was rebuffed. Keenan and Scott are working on behalf of a Swiss led 134 nation alliance.
In the meantime, the situation in Cabal controlled economies is getting progressively worse by the day. For example, markets in Europe were rattled last week despite feel good talk by various cabal controlled leaders like Nicholas Sarkozy and Angela Merkel. The real situation in Europe is as follows* The Greek Government has unfunded liabilities worth 800% of their GDP and their economy shrank by 5% last year. The unemployment rate in Spain is 23% while the youth unemployment rate is 50%. The Portuguese economy is expected to shrink by 5% this year. Italy’s debt is 2.7 times that of the PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece and Spain). Their chief creditor, the German banking system, meanwhile, is leveraged at 32/1.
Put in simple terms, the European cabal controlled banking system is bankrupt. What this means is that the European people are about to be freed from debt slavery.
In the US as well, institutions like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan etc. are already shadows of their former selves with their CEOs constantly surrounded by lawyers and armed guards.
There were also reports from three different sources from three separate intelligence agencies (MI6, CIA and NSA) that the Bushes, Clintons and other cabal leaders had prepared a hideaway in the Bahamas. A look with Google Earth did reveal two separate locations with air-strips located next to a group of ultra-rich people’s type housing complexes. One of the Islands had a giant Star of David on it clearly visible from a satellite.
However, sources in the Pentagon make it clear the cabalists will not be allowed to leave the United States until they have faced the justice system. These same sources say 800 bankers have already resigned and many arrests have already taken place.
In China as well, there are signs of major change. As noted before, all the top leaders such as Xi Xinping who were supposed to take over the government this year have vanished from the pages of the official Xinhua government news site in April. Clearly some sort of coup d’etat can now be confirmed to have taken place there even though the Western corporate news corps is still only focused on Bo Xilai. The Bo investigation has definitely gone far beyond him.
In Japan too, the yakuza and right wing forces allied with the White Dragon Society are getting impatient and are making plans to detain key cabal operatives for questioning.
Major historical changes are becoming increasingly obvious.

Max Keiser on Mott Street with the Exorcism of Blythe Masters by Rev. B Talen

Monday, 9 April 2012

Ben Fulford (April 9 2012) ~ Bernanke And Geithner Are Still Trying To Cash Bad Checks

Benjamin Fulford

     It appears that both the so-called “dragon family,” and the “harmonious world banking system,” are just the same criminal godfathers that Ben Bernanke and Timothy Geithner have always worked for. They are running around now claiming they have 600 trillion dollars inside the Federal Reserve Board computers ready to be used for “humanitarian projects worldwide.” Indeed both Eijiro Katsu, top bureaucrat at the Japanese Ministry of Finance and Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa have confirmed the money is sitting there inside the Federal Reserve Board computers. The problem is that the same crooks who have been spreading biological mass murder weapons and carrying out countless other unfathomably evil acts are now saying they will be doing good. The fact of the matter is that the owners of the Fed are a bunch of gangsters who murdered, bribed and lied their way to the top of the planetary power system only to preside over the a largest mass extinction event (including both humans and nature) since the dinosaurs were wiped out. Here is what the world has to say to you murdering crooks: “you are fired.”
This latest twist in the ongoing financial war came as two individuals (whose names we promised to keep off the record) came to Japan claiming to represent the “dragon family royal society.” They said they had $600 trillion waiting to be distributed to the world and that this could be confirmed by punching a certain access code into the Fed “Black Screens” or “Euroclear screens.” We used considerable political capital to get Bank of Japan Governor Masaaki Shirakawa and top MOF honcho Eijiro Katsu to confirm the money was indeed sitting inside the Fed computers.
The problem is that the representatives from the “dragon family royal society” claimed to represent Asian royal families. They said a man by the name of Hiroshi Nakano was the real power behind the Japanese throne and that he could confirm this. We asked that they get a formal letter from one of the public members of the royal family such as the Emperor or the Crown Prince to prove they were speaking the truth. They apparently could not because their representatives dropped out of sight.
After that, these people changed tactics and approached Shirakawa and Katsu via some individual by the name of Akihiko Deguchi and Asahi Shinbun newspaper slave propagandist Yoichi Funabashi. They managed to get a whole bunch of ex-bureaucrats to sign on to their band-wagon. Their claim to Asian royal family pedigree was reduced to saying their royal family representative was princess Masako, daughter of Trilateral Commission gangster and Rothschild controlled international court judge Hisashi Owada.
These people were so arrogant they thought they could buy off Japan, their largest creditor, with $10 trillion, a mere 1/60th of the money they were planning to spend. Even that tiny share of the money could only be spent pending approval from a secret committee that reports directly to “celestial beings.” Message to David Rockefeller et al: “you are gangsters not celestial beings.”
The “dragon family royal society,” that has been putting its name out there refers mainly to the Merovingian European Royal bloodlines, not Asian royal families.
Then of course there is the ongoing fight over who really has the rights to the global collateral accounts. The Vatican and the P2 Freemason lodge together with their allies claim it is a Cambodian by the name of R.C. Dam who has the rights. The CIA’s own research and historical treaties indicate the rights were originally given to Indonesian President Sukarno and are now held by his nephew Eddy Sukarno. We also have various Chinese and Japanese and Philippine royal dynasties making plausible claims to historical ownership of much of the gold. Most people would agree that the gold of the world ultimately belongs to the people of the world and that the true historical owners were entitled to a share.
Here is a counter-proposal based on BIS international banking guidelines. The Japanese have earned $8 trillion cash (they have paper receipts for all of this) based on selling cars, TVs, appliances etc. to the rest of the world for the past 60 years or so. According to the BIS rules, any cash deposit can be leveraged 10 times. That means Japan could legally offer $80 trillion or over $100,000 to every man, woman and child on the planet. Obviously just handing out that much cash would simply result in a bubble but the money could be delivered in the form of schools, scholarships, nature preserves, infrastructure, consumer goods and other tangible things that exist in the real world.
The White Dragon Society is proposing doing this by setting up a transparent new agency, manned by an international staff of some of the most intelligent people on earth.
This plan would in no way contradict other plans by other groups to carry out similar endeavors using other organizations. The advantage of this plan is that Japan’s legal claim to the money is water-proof and does not require extensive litigation to prove. It can be acted on right away.
The government of Japan has already signaled its willingness to set up such an agency. A lot of the money released would go towards rebuilding the gutted industrial bases of Europe and the US. Much more would go towards ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction and financing an exponential expansion into the universe.
In any case, the fact that the Federal Reserve Board finally sent somebody directly to the White Dragon Society in Japan is a clear sign they want to negotiate peace.
As this is being written the White Dragon Society is awaiting a counter-proposal from the Feds. The initial response was that they would offer more money but they were still reluctant to hand over any independent control of how the money was spent.
Hopefully there will be further progress in negotiations this week. However, if not, the Feds had best remember that Friday, April 13th is coming up this week. In Asia the month April is pronounced “shi,” which means death. That means it may turn out to be an especially inauspicious day for the Western banking cabal.

Vatican Secrets - 2012 End of the Age

DHS Preparing For Civil War In The US?

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Guns N' Roses - Estranged

Silver Confiscation

Chris Everard - Truth Frequency Interview - Secret Space

Navy Held Drill Planning for Virginia Fighter Jet Crash
April 6, 2012
From Reuters:
A U.S. Navy F/A-18D fighter crashed into an apartment complex in Virginia soon after takeoff on Friday, sending fireballs into the sky, damaging six buildings and injuring at least seven people.
No deaths have been reported, but three residents of the Mayfair Mews complex for the elderly were unaccounted for, authorities said.
Citizens for a Legitimate Government notes the following:
Holy coincidence, Batman! Navy held recent drill to prepare for ‘exact’ events of Va. crash 06 Apr 2012 The US Navy held a drill on 15 December to prepare for the ‘exact’ situation that took place Friday, regarding the F/A-18 Navy jet crash. (No link, Fox News, 7PM ET live broadcast)
911 déjà vu and drills before catastrophe.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Insider Claims Imminent Mass Arrests of Globalists, Bankers and Political Elite

Ben Fulford (April 3 2012) ~ Japan’s Government Formally Agrees To Set Up 1000 Trillion Yen Fund But Worries About Geopolitical Ramifications

Benjamin Fulford

This week’s newsletter was delayed for a day because of sensitive ongoing negotiations involving the Japanese, Chinese, Russian and US governments among others. The negotiations are still going on as of this writing and there is much we still cannot report. However, we can confirm that the Japanese government has agreed in principle to set up a 1000 trillion yen (12 trillion dollar) fund to be used to end poverty, stop environmental destruction and roll out previously forbidden technology in a responsible manner. The problem now is how to sort out the massive geopolitical repercussions this fund will create.
In what may be a related development, there appears to have been a regime change in China because Xi Xinping, the man widely assumed to be the next president of China has not appeared on the official Chinese Xinhua news site since March 31st, while his erstwhile rival, Li Keqiang, is being given massive coverage. This is only one of many signs of massive changes in planetary governance.
In the US, the Pentagon has begun asking citizens to stock up with 72 hours’ worth of food because of possible disruptions associated with the imminent replacement of the US dollar with a new Treasury dollar, according to CIA sources in California. This move is also expected to be accompanied by a massive clean up operation aimed at draining the corruption out of Wall Street and Washington D.C. in order to restore the US to its former moral and economic greatness.
Any new treasury dollar will initially have much lower international purchasing power than the US dollar now being used. This will make Americans buy made in USA products and will make US exports competitive again. It might be a good time now to go out and buy Chinese stuff at Wal-Mart before it suddenly becomes more expensive. Also, do take the Pentagon’s advice and stock up on food to tide you over the transition.
Another sign that something big is about to happen is that a European CIA source asked the White Dragon Society for the names and addresses of members of the following organizations: the committee of 300, the Bilderberg group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, the Trilateral Commission and the European Commission. These have been forwarded. Here, by the way, is a link to what appears to be a credible list of the current members of the Committee of 300.
Message to the members of this group: “please do not get in our way.”
In any case, the most concrete and detailed intelligence available to this writer comes from Japan where government officials say that for technical administrative reasons, it will take a couple of weeks to set up the 1000 trillion yen fund. These reasons include maintaining payrolls, pensions, tax revenues and other administrative nitty gritty. However, there are no goons available now the Kissinger, Nakasone, Bush, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Koizumi old world order people so their removal from power in Japan is a given.
The big question to be solved now is how to set up mechanisms to handle the disbursement of the 1000 trillion yen to the countries of the world. The only thing decided for sure on this issue is that it must no longer be a secret, centralized system held in private hands. There is also an agreement in principle that the Japanese government will administer 500 trillion yen while the new international economic planning agency will get the other 500 trillion.
This agency, tentatively named LIFE (Long Term Investments for Everyone) will finance European and US economic restructuring as well as promote massive development projects in the rest of the world. However, before it can be started, a small planning staff will begin the process of selecting international talent to run the agency. Exactly when this will happen is subject to ongoing negotiations but hopefully the first usable cash will be delivered as early as the middle of this month.
The BRICs nations will, for their part, set up their own, independent fund as announced at the BRICs summit last week. This fund will be run by China, Russia, India, Brazil and South Africa and will presumably use a basket of currencies dominated by the Renminbi and the Ruble. This group will work in close tandem with the G20 nations, according to their declaration:
Getting back to China, a look at who is appearing on the Xinhua news site indicates that Premier Wen Jiabao, President Hu Jintao and Le Keqiang are being prominently featured. The text of Le Keqiang’s speech at the Boao forum reveal him to be a moderate centrist and thus likely a compromise candidate between powerful behind the scenes factions. We also know from various sources that the Chongqing party boss Bo Xilai was backed by Henry Kissinger and the old world order cabal he represents. No doubt he was promised the job of dictator of China and the world in exchange for his cooperation. Memo to Kissinger and the committee of 300: the world does not want a dictator.
When the dust settles, the world will have harmonious collective leadership.