Findng Truth Where Before There Were Only Lies and Deceit. Direct Democracy For The People, By The People.
Friday, 29 June 2012
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Monday, 25 June 2012
Ben Fulford (June 25 2012) ~ It Has Become Impossible For The Cabal To Hide The Truth; They Are Being Defeated
Benjamin Fulford
Last week the cabal controlled media in the West tried to pretend the Rio summit was a failure even though $513 billion was pledged by 100 nations to fight poverty and environmental destruction. It was a cabal failure because $513 billion that, in the past, would have been handed over to the rich by the poor is instead being given by middle income countries to the poorest countries. This is undeniable proof the international boycott of the war-mongering, mass murdering leaders of the United States and many European countries is intensifying. The cabalists are trying to pass the pain on to their own slave people and this is why there is a “financial crisis” in the West.The cornered cabalists are threatening, yet again, to start WW3, this time in Syria, but they know they will all be hunted down and killed if they seriously try to carry out their plan to murder 5 billion people. They have only one choice, and that is to appear in front of a truth and reconciliation committee and ask for forgiveness.
There are no deadlines being given because you cannot give a deadline to a dying monster, you just have to wait for nature to take its course.
In fact the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and other cabal families are even now negotiating with the White Dragon Society for a win-win solution to the ongoing stand-off. These negotiations have reached many agreements in principle.
Essentially, the Rothschilds and Rockefellers want to continue to be plutocrats carrying out massive investment projects even as they understand the days of secret, centralized control by a family run cabal must end. The question is whether the military and agency types are feeling generous enough to allow them amnesty in exchange for appearing before a truth and reconciliation committee.
In any case, there will be a meeting between a Rockefeller representative and a White Dragon representative in Asia this week that may clarify things somewhat.
There is a lot of talk of arrests this week, notably from “Drake,” however, our direct sources cannot confirm this. As David Icke pointed out, this writer has in the past quoted sources claiming deadlines that came and went with nothing happening. That is why we no longer quote specific deadlines.
The White Dragon Society itself has never put out a specific deadline. It merely tries to drain the financial swamp until all the swamp creatures are flushed out. However, since it is hard to know exactly how many creatures there are or how deep the swamp is, it would be a mistake to come up with specific dates. If some sort of mass action was planned, we would certainly not give the bad guys any advance warning.
However, we do have some interesting new disclosures to make. A Chinese communist government source revealed some interesting secret history that is useful as background information to the current “financial crisis.”
The information was corroborated by a CIA source.
The story is that when President Nixon formally recognized the Chinese communist government in the early 1970’s he gave them some of the gold that the Chinese Nationalist government had evacuated to the US in the 1930’s. In exchange, he asked the Chinese to help the US avenge their humiliation in Vietnam. The Chinese communists agreed and kept their promise by invading Vietnam in 1979. When they did that, the Soviet Union sent a large tank army into the desert region of China. Deng Xiaoping then ordered that army destroyed with a hydrogen bomb. After that, the Chinese withdrew from Vietnam to prevent the situation from escalating out of control.
This explains the sudden warming between China and the US in the 1970’s. It also explains the difference of opinion between the Nationalist government in Taiwan and the mainland Chinese government over the rights to some of the historical gold.
However, both sides agree, as do 150 nations, that the historical treasures of the world should be used to back a new financial system that will strive to end poverty and stop environmental destruction. Even the British Royal family and the British Commonwealth are on board now.
The remaining cabal controlled countries, mainly Western Europe and the US, however, are still fighting tooth and nail to prevent this from happening.
Last week this writer, at the request of the White Dragon Society and the Red and Blue went to visit Father William Currie, Dean emeritus of the Jesuit Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. This writer first met Father Currie more than 30 years ago when he studied at Sophia. Father Currie is a long term colleague of Jesuit “Black Pope” Adolfo Nicholas. Father Currie was asked to get Vatican help to release 7000 trillion yen that are sitting frozen in the accounts of the Bank of Japan.
He was told that Catholic charities could distribute those funds in proportion to the amount of Catholics in the world. That would have meant 10 million yen each (about $120,000) for every Catholic man, woman and child on earth.
He was also told and shown documents proving that 2 billion Asians had a belief system compatible with Christianity and were offering an alliance with the Catholic Church to fight poverty and end environmental destruction.
He refused point blank to even pass on the evidence or request to his colleagues. This made it very clear to this writer that the Catholic Church top hierarchy is more interested in creating a centrally controlled global fascist empire than it is in helping the poor and preserving the environment.
In fact, if you think about it, the Catholic Church, spiritual and temporal heirs to the Roman Empire, murdered Jesus Christ. They then publicly displayed, in effigy, his tortured and murdered body as a warning to other slaves. The last thing the Catholic Church wants is for the Messiah to return because the first thing Christ would do if he returned would be to denounce and then forgive his murderers.
Father Currie was then told that Adolfo Nicholas would become Peter the Roman, the last pope. Even if Catholic hierarchy tries to weasel out of their destiny by appointing someone else, whoever they appoint will be the last pope.
This does not mean that the Christian faith and God that exists in the hearts of most Catholics will end. It merely means that the Satanic gangsters at the top of the church hierarchy, who were never Christian even from the founding days of Christianity, will finally face the wrath of the true creator.
Nor does this mean the White Dragon Society is advocating the destruction of Rome and all its historical treasures as is mentioned in the prophecy of Peter the Roman. It merely means that if the gangsters holding up inside the Vatican (especially the Vatican bank) do not give up, events will escalate inevitably towards their doom.
In a related development, the recently arrested fugitives from the Aum Shinrikyo cult that was responsible for releasing deadly Sarin gas into the Tokyo subway system have fingered Kim Jong Il as the mastermind behind that attack. The trail from Kim Jong Il leads to the Satanic P2 lodge that controls the Vatican.
The wife of Japanese power broker Ichiro Ozawa is also giving testimony that points towards the P2 as being the ultimate source of the order to set off a nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan on March 11, 2011.
A recent attempt to poison this writer with a heart attack inducing drug has been detected. The Satanists need to understand the days when they could murder, bribe and lie their way out of trouble have ended. Humanity as a whole will now be motivated by friendship and love, not by terror.
Thursday, 21 June 2012
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Monday, 18 June 2012
Ben Fulford (June 18 2012) ~ The Battle Has Been Against An Artificial Intelligence And Its Human Slaves
Benjamin Fulford
As the old cliché goes, sometimes truth is stranger than fiction. Empirical evidence proves the current financial crisis has been caused by an artificial intelligence. This artificial intelligence was born out of a monetary system that was not based in reality but was parasitical on reality.That is why most trading on today’s financial markets is carried out by computers and not humans. That is why they are trying to remove all human traders from the Chicago Mercantile Exchange. That is why the small human elite still living an astronomically rich life have been promoting the use of killer drones to replace human soldiers who are no longer obeying orders. That is also why so many youth reduced to slavery and drudgery by the elite are escaping into virtual reality.
Well, reality has struck back and dealt a fatal blow to the money matrix known to some as Satan.
As mentioned before, the intense media and even internet coverage of the “financial crisis,” or the “European crisis,” has consistently ignored the elephant in the living room. What has happened is that the people of the planet who make real things in the real world are no longer paying homage to the financial beast that Wall Street and the City of London, together with their Vatican brain-washers and Washington D.C. bully boys have morphed into.
Some people, like the self-described gnostic illuminati and exorcists within the Vatican have said an epic battle against Satan has been raging for millennia. It may well be true in a metaphorical and memic sense.
For millennia in the West folklore has described people “selling their souls to the devil” and suddenly becoming very rich in material goods.
However, the rogue A.I. as we think of it in modern terms can be traced very clearly to the computers at the Federal Reserve Board, the Bank of International Settlements and other financial institutions that used the fiat system of creating money out of nothing.
The stories of millions of tons of gold sitting in caves that are many miles long may be true but so far, despite intensive research, it appears we are dealing mostly with stories.
One example is the case of Lord Blackheath. Here is his testimony from the British House of Lords from February 12th, 2012:
“Establishing whether I have a correct
piece of paper is just two phone calls away-one to Mr Geithner and one
to Mr Greenspan, both of whom still prosper and live. They could easily
confirm whether they signed it.
Mr. Riyadi, by passing these bonds over,
has also put at the disposal of the US Treasury the entire asset backing
which he was alleged to have for the $15 trillion. I have a letter from
the Bank of Indonesia which says that the whole thing was a pack of
lies. He did not have the 750,000 tonnes of gold which was supposed to
be backing it; he had only 700 tonnes. This is a piece of complete
What we have here is a case of an
ancient con trick carried out on a nation state scale. The original con
was very simple, a banker would open a safe and show some gold to a
customer and sell him the gold. He would then tell the person it was
safer to keep the gold in the bank and give him a depository receipt.
This banker would then sell the gold again. The rule of thumb was that
as long as you only sold the gold ten times, then whenever there was a
panic and some people asked for their physical gold, then you would have
enough on hand to reassure everybody their gold was safe. That is the
origin of the BIS capital to asset adequacy ratios.This scam was carried out on a vast scale by Western central bankers using gold owned by Asian kings.
However, if the case of Lord Blackheath is correct, they sold the same gold 1,000 times.
Now the Asians are asking for their physical gold to be returned and the bankers are no longer able to bully them into submission. This is the true origin of the “financial crisis.”
The other side to it is that Western bankers had become so fooled by their own system they thought their money had intrinsic value in and of itself.
Some fiat money, such as the Canadian dollar does have value because it is backed by the natural resources of Canada and the long term trust the Canadians have built up as reliable trading partners. The same can be said for the Japanese and many other peoples using a fiat currency.
However, this has not been the case with the United States nor with Europe as a whole. These nations were living on borrowed time and were planning to stage a world war as a way to renege on their debts.
At the same time, they reduced their peoples to drudgery and slavery to continue to extract more money from them and pay their debts to the Asians. That is why, according to a member of the Rockefeller family, that in 1934, when the United States of America Corporation went bankrupt, they pledged the slave labour of American citizens as collateral. Since that time, whenever an American is born, they are issued with a social security number and a $300,000 bonds is issued using their lifetime of slave labour as collateral.
In any case, the maneuvers to keep ahead of reality and keep the financial house of cards from collapsing led to the creation of computer trading programs. Since they are designed to make money, these programs have greed and self-expansion at the very core of their operating systems.
Thus it was that ever more complex financial instruments with even more astronomical leverage started creating all those quadrillions and quintillions on the back of a real world GDP of only about $75 trillion.
These programs at some point appear to have become self-aware and also to have strong self-preservation instincts.
Here is a quote from a past edition of this newsletter:
“On Monday, 8/08 2011 the Standard & Poors stock index fell by the Satanic number of 6.66% while the Dow Jones average fell 5.55%. During the “Lehman shock,” of September 29, 2008, the Dow Jones index fell by $777 (indicating it is a casino) while the S & P fell by 8.8% (the Asian lucky number). There is high level financial warfare going on.” It now is appearing clear that this was high level cyber warfare.
In any case, reality is always going to win in the end because virtual reality cannot survive without a physical base.
That is why the Asians and other peoples who have physical trade surpluses and large stashes of physical commodities like gold and silver are winning the financial war.
All the Asians are asking for in exchange for an end to the financial war, is an end to fraud.
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Tuesday, 12 June 2012
Ben Fulford (June 12 2012) ~ Meetings Set For July 15-20th In Attempt To End Financial Crisis
Benjamin Fulford
There will be a series of both secret and public high-level meetings from June 15 to June 20th aimed at ending the financial crisis that threatens to collapse the Western world’s banking sector, according to multiple sources. The hope is that the G20 meeting set to start on June 18th will lead to a breakthrough.To help make that possible, the White Dragon Society sent a message to the Committee of 300 proposing the announcement of a campaign, similar in intensity to a world war, aimed at ending poverty, stopping environmental destruction, eliminating disease and otherwise trying to save our wonderful, but ailing planet.
If the committee responds positively and yet the high-level financial blockage continues, then the next level response will be directed at the P2 freemason lodge and the BIS, according to sources involved in the negotiations.
The other culprit known to be directly involved in stopping the new financial system is the drone serial killer Barak Obama, hired hand for the Federal Reserve Board owning cabal families. These families, the Warburgs, the Harrimans, The Scherffs (Bush), the Morgans, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds and their subsidiaries would then be considered to be the source of the problem and subsequently dealt with.
So far the Bushes, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Black Pope and a who’s who of the Western power elite have already been offering astronomical bribes to White Dragon Society members in an attempt to maintain their control on the dollar and Euro printing presses.
Needless to say, a lot of these super-rich trillionaire families would become street trash without their fabled money printing presses. Since it costs them nothing to punch extra zeroes into central bank computers, they keep coming up with ever more absurd and astronomical numbers that have nothing to do with the real world. The last central bank cabal “bond” one this writer saw had 46 zeroes on it but it was just as worthless as the rest. What the cabal families do not have is what they need the most, the goodwill of the people of the planet earth.
We also need to keep in mind the possibility that the blockage of the financial system in the West does not originate either with the Federal Reserve Board families, the committee of 300, the P2, the BIS or any other human organization. In that case, the rogue artificial intelligence story being put out by MJ12 will have to be taken seriously. It would mean temporarily ending all electronic money, unplugging all bank and financial institution computers and reverting temporarily to cash and carry until the system can be safely rebooted. This is the worst case scenario for financial system collapse. It will mean considerable, temporary, hardship but not mass starvation.
In any case, enough people have become aware of the scam that is privately owned fiat (out of nothing) money that the genie cannot be put back into the bottle. The process of monetary creation and distribution will have to be carried out in total transparency from now on.
The cabal will also have to start telling the truth about their secret rule. This will mean appearing before a South African style truth and reconciliation committee and talking about their crimes against humanity in exchange for forgiveness.
This further means the robber baron control matrix that has been set up over the past 100 years (or probably much longer) will have to be dismantled.
It will involve a total rewriting of history. We already know that history as taught in Western schools is a highly censored version of what really happened. For example, in the real version of history, the robber barons won and established totalitarian rule. In the false version taught in the West the cabal monopolies and cartels were broken up by democratically elected governments.
In the cabal version, civilization began in Mesopotamia about 7,000 years ago and all other civilizations are “junior” to the West. The truth is that there were advanced civilizations more than 14,000 years ago in many parts of the world (based on overwhelming archaeological and historical evidence). Perhaps opening the Vatican library to international scholars would be a good place to start.
The breakup of the media and school brainwashing system will also lead to radical changes. One Russian source says the brainwashing runs so deep it will take at least 15 years to produce a new non-brainwashed generation.
The White Dragon Society believes that from now on humans will only need one commandment: “do unto others (including non-human others) as you would have others do unto you.” The idea that apart from that one rule, people could do whatever they want, however they want, whenever they want, according to their desires, left the cabalist speechless.
One cabal family member seemed perplexed and scared and in awe of the idea of people being set free. The cabalists somehow think civilization will collapse if people are not kept as slaves but that is patently not true. People will continue to work and create because otherwise they will become bored.
Of course, the battle is not over yet and this free future has still not actually started.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Friday, 8 June 2012
Ben Fulford (June 5 2012) ~ Cabal begins peace negotiations, detailed discussions begin
Benjamin Fulford
The cabal that illegally seized power in the Western world and attempted to set up a fascist world dictatorship known as the New World Order is trying to negotiate a peaceful transition to a saner planet. Although there is much we cannot discuss in order not to endanger ongoing negotiations, the talks are focusing on how to smoothly carry out a transition away from fossil fuels and nuclear energy and how to arrange a harmonious rapport between East, West, North and South.It is not clear, however, if the families that own the US Federal Reserve Board are acting too late and offering too little to prevent a revolution against their secret government. It is also worth mentioning that the Bilderberger meeting that just ended has turned into a media distraction to draw attention away from the real secret meetings that are taking place, like the one planned for June 21st.
The June 21st meeting is due to take place at the Kimball Castle in Colorado and will consist of people like the Bushes who give orders to the flunkies attending the Bilderberger meetings. Previous gatherings there have featured human sacrifice. The following site has good information about this.
The White Dragon Society is also now compiling specific, detailed evidence of human sacrifice and Satanic murder and abuse from victims who are bravely coming out a great personal risk. Message to George Bush Junior: “If you are lucky, you will spend the rest of your life in jail.”
The Pentagon and US agency white hats are not feeling as forgiving as the White Dragon Society and it is becoming increasingly likely the 1 million Satanist controllers in the West will have to face justice.
The Situation in Europe is also looking grim for the Satanists. In a recent report we noted that a “US agency ‘cleaner’ by the name of ‘leftie’ was going to Italy to ‘remove scum.’” Well it is interesting to note that immediately after the P2 fascist lodge was informed of this, the Italian government assigned 20,000 police officers to guard 550 individuals. We would like to thank the Italian government for self-identifying people they considered to be “scum.”
We would also like to point out that any agency sending a “cleaner” must be a cleaning agency and that the “scum” they were after was the variety that grows between bathroom tiles and around toilet bowls. It would be nice, though, for the Italian authorities to question their self-defined “scum” about their knowledge of the 311 nuclear and tsunami terror attack against Japan.
As far as the Euro is concerned, people need to understand they are dealing with extremely sophisticated and intelligent secret groups who plan events decades or even centuries in advance. It is looking increasingly likely that designing the European Parliament building to look like the tower of Babel was deliberate.
In other words, the blueprint for a unified currency was designed to fail right from the start because, if you recall, humanity split off into many separate factions after the collapse of the tower of Babel. The countries like Greece, Spain, Italy and Ireland that are having their real assets seized by bankers need to note this.
In the US, meanwhile, a critical intellectual mass has been reached and events like the arrest of the Ron Paul majority representatives at the Louisiana Republican convention are becoming impossible to cover up.
The Pentagon and the agencies are just making sure they will continue to be funded by the international community before they let a new legitimate government ease US tax-payers defense burdens.
This brings us to the ongoing negotiations in Asia. One of the stumbling blocks to a resolution is the fact that the Federal Reserve Board issued thousands of trillions or even quadrillions of dollars to Asian gold owners in exchange for use of their gold. The Asian owners think they have umpteen trillions when in fact world GDP is only about $75 trillion.
Up until now, the Fed’s response to attempts to cash legitimate, but impossibly large denomination bonds, has been to kill the people trying to cash them. The most radical example of them doing such a thing was the 911 terror attacks designed to stave off the return of gold shipped from China in 1938.
The Feds are also saying they actually did not get delivery of a lot of the gold they gave bonds for so they are not obliged to pay back all the gold the Asians say they owe. They also say that it is physically impossible for them to pay everything they owe. In other words, they are declaring force majeure and bankruptcy but refuse to leave the premises.
The White Dragon Society is proposing to cut this Gordian knot by offering a new 50/50 split between East and West for all new projects carried out around the world. There is also a need for a jubilee and universal debt write-off.
This would break the deadlock at the top of the financial system and free unlimited funds for spending on mutually agreed upon projects.
The big question that will be examined in negotiations this week is what to do about free energy technology. If done properly, the new technology can be introduced in a way that would lead to a golden age of universal abundance and freedom. If done in the wrong way, it would lead to chaos and warfare with people owning back-yard nuclear weapons.
The White Dragon Society is proposing a step by step introduction designed not to cause social disruption and chaos. This would mean large energy corporations would be given protection in certain areas until they were able to manage the transition away from using hydrocarbons as an energy source. These corporations are capable of carrying out huge projects with multinational staff and would be ideally placed to do things like turn deserts green, build underwater cities and create new eco-systems. They would be given the job of putting the spark of life back into the fossils they got their fuel from.
Detailed, concrete negotiations at setting up a pilot project are now underway.
The White Dragon Society has also told the US government they need to set up a new currency to replace the US dollar and devalue it relative to the internationally traded US dollar. The only other way to make the real US economy competitive again is to wait for US living standards to fall the Chinese and Indian levels.
In Japan meanwhile, the Japanese stock market is plunging because all the carpet baggers and “hedge funds” who illegally took ownership of a large percentage of Japan’s listed companies are dumping their shares and fleeing the market before they get confiscated by the new government. Japanese shares are now a rare bargain.
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Nigel Farage - Europe is Collapsing, Buy Gold & Expect QE
On the
heels of Fed Chairman Bernanke’s comments, Spain being downgraded and key
meetings taking place in Europe, today King World News interviewed MEP
(Member European Parliament) Nigel Farage, to get his take on the ongoing
crisis. Farage told KWN that “when I look into the eyes of the leaders of
Europe ... what I’m seeing now is madness, absolute, total and utter
madness.” Farage also discussed the action in the gold market, but first,
here is what Farage had to say about the deteriorating situation in
Europe: “Of course, over the last couple of years we’ve had two bailouts
of Greece, a bailout of Ireland, Portugal. We’re now on the verge of
needing a bailout in Cypress, but perhaps more significantly, a bailout in
Farage continues:
“There is
all sorts of twisting and turning going on with the Spanish saying, ‘Please
save our banks, but don’t put us under the austerity measures that you’ve put
the other countries under.’
If one
looks globally, we’ve got people like David Cameron, and importantly, President
Obama, who are basically saying, ‘The euro project must be saved. It must
be saved at all costs.’ ....
“For that
to happen the Eurozone has to turn into a state, and a state that effectively
has a Fed.
Germans are saying, “Hang on guys, we don’t really want to take on the debt for
the whole of ‘Club Mediterranean’ countries.” There’s been a meeting in
Berlin today, and Angela Merkel has, for the first time, said that she’s
prepared to countenance this becoming a full fiscal and political union, but it
has to be constructed on German terms.
So it
would appear that despite the fact that the eurozone is a disaster, despite the
fact that nobody is prepared to recognize just what a mess our banks are in,
despite all of this, our political classes in Europe and America are prepared
to continue this project of total failure.
If we
continue with this route, we are heading for money printing on a scale that has
never been seen before in the history of mankind. Clearly, as history
teaches us, that will lead to massive inflation, and huge asset depreciation.”
also added: “All I can tell you is when I look into the eyes of the
leaders of Europe, and as a leader of a group in the European Parliament I do
get eyeball to eyeball with them, when I look into the eyes of these people,
frankly what I’m seeing now is madness, absolute, total and utter madness.
project, the idea is what must be protected and to hell with the
consequences. I really believe that when we look back in decades or
centuries to come, we will see what is happening now in the eurozone as
something of huge historical significance.
will say to themselves in classrooms, in a couple of hundred years time, ‘How
could they have been so stupid?’”
also had this to say regarding gold: “I think we are at that level where
people who have waited to add to their gold portfolios should be adding
now. You may well get a situation where if they do pull off some grand
deal that gold falls ... but we are now back in the buying zone for gold.
I always
felt, and I’ve said for some months on your show, that I thought gold would come
back (down), and indeed it has. I think investors that are scared of what
may happen to paper money, you’d have to be very complacent not to be, we are
in a buying territory for gold now in my view.”
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