Thursday, 22 November 2012

Ben Fulford (November 20 2012) ~ Why The West Lost To China And What It Can Do To Recover

Benjamin Fulford 

     A few years ago the conventional wisdom in the West was that maybe China might surpass the United States (a sub-section of the West) in 50 years. Now, any serious thinker understands that China is top dog and the West is in deep crisis. The Western nations have lost their moral, financial and political leadership of the world.
This week we will look at why the leaders of the Western world nearly destroyed their own civilization. Then we will then try to figure out what to do to restore Western vitality.
The causes for the Western decline were years in the making. The results manifested themselves over a very short period. Our ancestors would have recognized the situation had its ultimate origins in moral failure on the part of our leaders. Here are the seven deadly sins of the West:

The pride that kills

Westerners as a whole are perceived by other peoples as arrogant, and rightly so. My own initial reaction to living in Japan was typical. Anything that Japan did that was different from how it was done in the West was wrong. I was constantly preaching to my Japanese friends (many soon to be ex-friends) and telling them what to do until it slowly dawned on me that I had more to learn that I had to teach.
The Western (especially US) leadership has been doing the same: telling and forcing countries to adopt two-party Democracy and the “Washington (read Wall St.) consensus” on economic management. What they failed to realize is that ever since military defeat in colonial times other countries and cultures have been diligently studying the West and drawing their own conclusions.
The West, meanwhile, never thought that perhaps they should be studying other civilizations for clues on how to improve their own. The result is that other countries, especially in Asia, have combined the best of the Western with the best of their traditional culture to create a vital new hybrid, leaving the West to catch up.

Sloth: the laziness that saps strength

At some hard to define point over the past few decades use of phrases like “protestant work ethic,” to describe hard working Westerners has been replaced with phrases like “couch potatoes.”
Westerners somehow thought they could let other countries do all the real work while they sat back and gave orders. The following joke sums up the situation fairly well:
“How many Anglo-Saxons does it take to change a light bulb?”
Answer: “Two, one to mix the martinis and another to look up an electrician in the phone book.”
This laziness resulted in over 30-years of merchandise trade deficits in most Western countries and the bankruptcy it has now led to.

Greed: the love of money over life

Perhaps the greatest sin among Western leaders. Enough has been written about the sins of greedy bankers that I do not need to say much. However, what many do not realize is that the love of money has literally made most Americans slaves to an artificial intelligence. Fantastical as it may seem, most of the profits generated by Wall Street are generated by artificial intelligences known as trading programs that have greed as their prime directive.
They rule Wall Street. Wall Street in turn is ruled by a single concept: seek money. The fountain of money, the Federal Reserve Board, functions like a single non-human mind run by massive computer networks. Most politicians and top military leaders in the US receive bribes and take orders from Wall Street and so in effect, they pillage the planet on behalf of an artificial intelligence motivated by greed.
Perhaps the best example of a black hole of greed sucking life and vitality out of the United States is Walmart. In order to maximize the “profits” or money for Walmart, the middle-class in the US and its industrial infrastructure have been decimated. The six members of the Walton family now have more money than the poorest 100 million Americans.

Wrath: the cruelty that destroyed Western moral superiority

There was a time when the West was seen as the champion of human rights and morality. Now the West is rightly seen by the rest of the world as a collection of rogue nations. The murder and pillaging of millions of people in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya are just the latest atrocities carried out by the fascist regime that took over power in the West after 911 in 2001. Western military forces now kill non-combatants, women and children in order to help fascist oligarchs steal their resources? Whatever happened to chivalry?

Gluttony: the West is literally eating the world

Westerners, the majority of whom are obese, have destroyed vast areas pristine wilderness to satisfy a lust for ever more food. The destruction of tropical rain forests for agribusinesses like cattle ranches and palm oil plantations are the single greatest reason why Western civilization has wiped out 30% of all land species on earth in the past 100 years. Overfishing is helping accomplish the same things in the oceans.
Greed for unnecessary food is wiping out variety in life that took billions of years to evolve. Hopefully the Chinese will do a better job of preserving global biodiversity.
Lust: Mistaken Malthusian fears of overpopulation have led Western rulers to do their best to divorce sex from procreation. Sex as a loveless non-reproductive sport is promoted through ubiquitous pornography. Homo-sexual marriage (that cannot produce children) is promoted while polygamy (that produces lots of children) is still criminalized in the West.
The result is that Western countries now all have shrinking, aging populations. The West is losing the battle of evolution which is won mostly in the bedroom.
Envy: The rulers of the West have been trying to start World War 3 and destroy 90% of humanity because they could not stand the idea of other cultures and nations surpassing them. It was their jealousy of other civilizations that led to their current international isolation.
So, what can the West do to recover?
Unfortunately, the first thing the West needs to do is what heroin addicts have to do to break their addiction: go cold turkey. In this case it is money addiction that needs to be cured. Money has no meaning unless it is backed by stuff that actually exists in the real world. That means Westerners have to start making stuff again. That means working again. To reverse what the Asian bar girls say: “No honey, no money.”
The West also needs to drain all the fraudulent money out of the political and economic system until money has real value again. The United States needs to stop using the foreign owned and operated, misnamed US dollar and start issuing its own currency. The Southern European nations also need to get off the Euro.
That will mean a temporary, and very brief, time when imports will suddenly become expensive. That is the pain.
Then there will be plenty of local manufacturing jobs as people buy local and exports are competitive again. There will also be plenty of tourist business creating jobs. That is the gain.
More importantly the countries of the West need to revamp their political and economic systems. They need to start imitating the Chinese and places like Singapore and create a hybrid between meritocracy and democracy.
The Chinese pioneered meritocracy with their imperial exams but, as my father once put it, “wasted it by devoting it all to memorizing those blasted ancient texts.” The British copied the system and improved it by basing the entrance exams on more modern and relevant topics. The Chinese then re-adopted that system and started adding their own improvements.
The new Chinese system combines meritocracy with real time democracy. Their leadership responds to opinion polls and blogs on a daily basis because they know that to do otherwise would lead to a loss of the Mandate of Heaven.
This system is still being tinkered with and improved but there can be no doubt the world’s center of economic gravity has shifted to China and will continue to do so as long as their system of government remains superior. However, the Chinese know from their own historical experience that a single central source of power, no matter how competent or benevolent, leads eventually to stagnation.
The West needs make sure we do not end up with a one-China world by setting up its own competing meritocratic systems. The pentagon is one example of a successful Western meritocracy that can be used as a model for a new system. The main, and fatal, flaw of the pentagon was that it was parasitical and not self-supporting.
The legal system remains perhaps the healthiest remaining part of the Western world but it too has been seriously undermined by corruption and lack of accountability or transparency.
Democracy was also a very good system in the past. It worked very well in a small city state where the rumour-mill provided freedom of information and town meetings could be called spontaneously in response to needs. However, it has been debased in most of the modern West by bribery, fraud, censorship, brain-washing and an inability to respond in real time to the emerging group-mind that is evolving on the internet.
That is why a new future planning agency needs to be established from the ground up so that it can incorporate the best methods and models from throughout the world and from the historical past.
If it is done right, the West can fully harness it’s still superior science and technology to help create an ideal world in harmony with nature and all humanity. What are we waiting for?

The Dead Hand of Bureaucracy - Nigel Farage (Second-round speech, 21.11.2012)


Thursday, 15 November 2012

Ron Paul's Congressional Farewell Speech 11-14-2012

Ben Fulford (Nov 12 2012) ~ World Intervention Saves Obama, Prevents World War 3

Benjamin Fulford

     The Dragon family and governments of the non-Western world acted decisively to get Barak Obama re-elected as president because a Romney victory would have meant World War 3, according to multiple sources.
Obama was cut off of his election finances by the Pope and the Queen three weeks before the election and would have lost if the Dragon family and others did not step in and finance him, according to CIA and Asian government sources. Obama returned the favor by complying to a request to purge Bush/Nazi operatives from the government and the military, the sources say.
That is why Timothy Geithner, Hillary Clinton, Eric Holder and other bush operatives were fired. The purge at the pentagon and agencies included CIA Chief David Petraeus, Rear Admiral Charles M. Gaouette, US Army General Carter Ham, Brigadier General Jeffery A. Sinclair, and US Navy Commander Joseph E. Darlak, according to CIA and other agency sources.
Obama now has a totally different set of handlers and teleprompter script writers than he did in his first term. The agenda he is expected to follow is to set the stage for a swords to plowshares transition of the military industrial complex.
He is also expected to oversee the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Board.
The voting patterns for Obama reflected the fact that he was elected thanks to non-Europeans. He got over 70% of Hispanic, Asian and Jewish votes, close to 100% of African American votes and only 39% of European American votes. There was also massive support from the 180 nations of the world that are sick and tired of never ending American and European war-mongering.

Obama is now a high priority assassination target of the Nazi/Bush faction, according various sources.

The situation may actually lead to civil war against the Bush Texas stronghold. Since Obama got only a bit more than 30% of the European American male vote you can be sure there are lot of upset white men, many of whom belong to militias, who might fight with the Nazis, creating a potentially volatile situation.
The White Dragon Society was not involved in the decision to back Obama but agrees with it, with some reservation, because the alternative was WW3.
The overwhelming Jewish support for Obama, despite Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu’s support for Romney, makes it pretty clear the Jews are sick and tired of being manipulated into fear and war by neo-Nazi Zionist thugs. The Israeli military and intelligence establishment has also finally figured out that they have been fooled into working as proxies for Nazi American and European tycoons and are no longer following the program. Netanyahu, who had his psychiatrist murdered, and was part of the 311 nuclear terror attack on Japan, will probably end up in jail when this is all over.
The Bush faction CIA agent “ambassador Stevens” was definitely behind the nuclear and tsunami mass terror attack against Japan on 311, according to MI6 and gnostic illuminati sources. He was tortured for 8 hours after his capture in Libya and spilled the beans on the plot to start WW3 with a false flag attack against US forces in the Persian Gulf. While he was hung out like a worm on a hook he reached out to various places asking for help which also helped reveal the network he was working for, they say.
Admiral Gaoutte, who wanted to help Stevens, was taken away in handcuffs and has not appeared in public since his arrest, meaning he is probably undergoing intense interrogation, pentagon sources say. Gaouette was planning to attack his own fleet and blame it on Iran in order to start a war, according to these sources.
The White Dragon Society also received a direct call from a senior pentagon general warning that Hurricane Sandy was just a foretaste of what would happen in Romney was not elected. Now we shall see what retaliation the Bush Nazi faction carries out now that their people are being purged following Obama’s victory.
There are also mass clouds of disinformation being put out now and it will take some time for it to clear up and reveal more about what is really going on.
For example many sources say George Bush Senior is senile and in a wheel chair and that Jeb Bush now runs the clan. However, Neil Keenan says Bush recently got a $5 million rejuvenation treatment in Hong Kong and is still fully in control.
This sounds far-fetched but Japanese military intelligence sources say former Japanese Prime Minister Nakasone recently appeared at a funeral looking far younger than his 94 years making many speculate he had been “replaced.” Other well-known gerontocrats like David Rockefeller also occasionally appear rejuvenated as if they had undergone some sort of treatment.
The other disinformation surrounds what CIA Chief Petraeus was up to. Some pentagon sources say he was planning to install himself as a Roman style emperor after killing Obama and staging a coup.
Others say he was a patriot who was fired to prevent him from testifying about what really happened to Stevens.
What is clear though is that the mass firings announced by Obama mark a major change in the US power structure.
A lot of Japanese power-brokers have been deeply upset by the Romney defeat, notably Junichiro Koizumi’s and Yasuhiro Nakasone’s people. That means that well-financed attempts to set up a new Nazi puppet regime in Japan are now doomed.
This is already becoming visible. Tokyo Governor and well-known China baiter Shintaro Ishihara resigned to start a new national political party after his son was defeated in his effort to take over the resurgent Liberal Democratic Party. However, Ishihara is not finding any followers and has committed political suicide. The moves to place charismatic Osaka major Toru Hashimoto, an Ishihara friend, as a new leader of Japan are also now being put to an end.
Instead it is now looking likely that the Liberal Democratic Party and ruling Democratic parties will merge and choose a new leader through an open and fair election.
The Chinese leadership transition is also still underway but the emerging consensus is that democratic and other reforms that the new generation carry out will resemble the Singapore model more than they resemble the US or European models.
The Europeans, for their part, still do not have access to printing presses for new money and the result is a slow implosion of government function and society in many of their countries. Money will flow again when the wars and terror are stopped.

Friday, 2 November 2012

Ben Fulford (Oct 29 2012) ~ Bush The Boogey Man Plays The HAARP As Halloween Approaches

Benjamin Fulford

     High level pentagon sources contacted the White Dragon Society this week to warn that the massive storm hitting the US North-East this week was a HAARP attack by the Nazi faction of the Western oligarchy. At the same time, the deep sea drilling ship Chikyu has been spotted off the coast of Aichi, Prefecture near the Nagoya headquarters of Toyota Motors. Nazi representative Richard Armitage and US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian affairs are in Tokyo now warning a massive new earthquake attack on Japan will take place as soon as they leave, unless they get their way, according to Japanese security police affiliated with the WDS.
Lord James Sassoon has also been making astronomical bribe offers to a variety of Japanese politicians, right wing power brokers and gangsters as he tries to keep the Sassoon Asian empire afloat.
A top source at the Bank for International Settlements also contacted with WDS with a combination threat/bribe.
A group of young Chinese generals and industrialists too have come forward with offers of heavy support during the past week.
All of these moves are signs of intensified power jockeying in the run up to planned government changes this fall in the US, China, South Korea, Japan and elsewhere.
The Nazis under Bush are insisting that their man Romney be put in power during the November 6 (not 8 as erroneously reported by this newsletter on previous occasions) “election” or else they will wreak steadily intensifying havoc. Other threats believed to be connected to the Nazis include a warning to hit Geneva with a tsunami caused by a landslide and to hit the US West coast with a mega-earthquake.
They have targeted the North East of the US with a storm as a show of power and as a sign of their opposition to the Eastern establishment and their man Obama, the Pentagon source says.
Of course neither Obama nor Romney has more than 15% support in the real world (as opposed to the Stalinist “polls”), making it a perfect time for an independent candidate like Ron Paul to kick both bums out.
Some of the Nazi demands were hand delivered to this writer in a letter written by a person believed to have been close to post-war Nazi Fuehrer Admiral Canaris. The main demand of the letter is to allow the free energy technology to be released to the people of the planet.
Free energy, if used for constructive purposes, would allow for an era of unprecedented growth and prosperity for the planet and the WDS has always supported it. The problem is in that years of research on this subject, nobody has been able to show this writer personally an actual working free energy device. If the Nazis have free energy technology they should just go ahead and release it.
Of course the existing energy industry accounts for a huge percentage (some estimate as high as 70%) of global economic activity and a smooth transition to the new technology (if it really exists) is recommended to prevent chaos and major possible social disruption.
The BIS source, for his part, said the Western elite still wanted a World War in order to rid the world of two-thirds of its population prior to setting up a world government according to a 1973 Club of Rome plan.
The map in the link above shows the end game of the BIS led group, this source said. The titular head of the BIS is Ben Bernanke. This BIS source also said the US Federal Reserve Board was already being shut down and that all its powers and staff were being transferred to the US Treasury Department. There was also a hint that vast funds would start to flow towards the WDS if it went along with the program.
Of course since the US is no longer a democracy, transferring Fed powers to the Treasury at this point is a bit like changing the titles on the name cards but leaving the usual suspects in charge.
The Asian power brokers who approached the WDS representative in Indonesia last week were more of the mind to replace the entire top management of the planet and bring in new blood with new ideas.
Certainly a lot of us wonder why a bunch of 80 and 90 year olds who seem to have secret access to life prolonging medicine (denied to the rest of us), should be allowed to remain in charge.
The general impression from the flurry of contacts and threats last week is that there are now three main factions battling for control of the future of this planet. One is the committee of 300 with the Pope and Queen Elizabeth pushing for Obama, the other is the Nazis under Bush et al pushing for Romney and the third is us peasants who just want these murderous power games to be replaced with love and friendship.
We also need to remember that this week is Halloween. Halloween has traditionally been the time, when the harvest is just in, when the poor go to the rich and ask for their fair share so that they can survive the winter. If the 99% do not get their “treat,” you can be sure they will follow with a “trick.”
If the elite try to again use mass murder and terror to control the poor, they and their extended families will be systematically hunted down and slaughtered. The average person does everything possible to avoid violent confrontation but when you try to kill their families and loved ones, their righteous fury is unstoppable.
The general understanding of the WDS and its allies, though, is that we have a clear choice between a win-win solution for everybody and a lose-lose solution for everybody. War and terror is a two-way street, so is love and friendship.