Findng Truth Where Before There Were Only Lies and Deceit. Direct Democracy For The People, By The People.
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
Russia Orders Obama: Tell World About Aliens, Or We Will
A stunning Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA) report on Prime Minister Medvedev’s [photo top right] agenda at the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week states that Russia will warn President Obama that the “time has come” for the world to know the truth about aliens, and if the United States won’t participate in the announcement, the Kremlin will do so on its own.
The Forum is best known for its annual meeting in Davos, a mountain resort in Graubünden, in the eastern Alps region of Switzerland. The meeting brings together some 2,500 top business leaders, international political leaders, selected intellectuals and journalists to discuss the most pressing issues facing the world, including health and the environment.
Medvedev is scheduled to open this years Forum where as many as 50 heads of government, including Germany’s Angela Merkel and Britain’s David Cameron, will attend the five-day meeting that begins on 23 January.
Critical to note about this years Forum is that the WEF, in their 2013 Executive Summary, scheduled for debate and discussion a number of items under their X Factors from Nature category, and which includes the “discovery of alien life” of which they state: “Proof of life elsewhere in the universe could have profound psychological implications for human belief systems.”
Equally critical to note is that Medvedev, after completing a 7 December 2012 on-camera interview with reporters in Moscow, continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that his microphone was still on. He was then asked by one reporter if “the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia’s nuclear arsenal,” Medvedev responded:
“Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder. This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black… I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.”
Western news sources reporting on Medvedev’s shocking reply about aliens stated that he was “joking” as he mentioned the movie Men In Black, which they wrongly assumed was a reference to the 1997 American sci-fi adventure comedy about two top secret agents battling aliens in the US.
Medvedev, however, wasn’t referring to the American movie but was, instead, talking about the famous Russian movie documentary Men In Black which details many UFO and alien anomalies. [Full MIB length movie in Russian with English subtitles can be viewed HERE.]
Where Western news sources quoted Medvedev as saying “More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black,’” his actual answer was, “You can receive more detailed information having watched the documentary film of the same name.”
The reason(s) for Western propaganda news outlets deliberately distorting Medvedev’s words become apparent after his shocking statement, and as evidenced in just one example of their so called reporting on this disclosure of alien life already being on our planet where the title of one such article was “Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev makes a crack about aliens, and conspiracists promptly lose their minds.”
If anyone is “losing their minds” about aliens, it must be pointed out, it is certainly not Russia, but the Vatican, which in November 2009 announced it was “preparing for extraterrestrial disclosure”.
Equally, and apparently, “losing their minds” are US government officials themselves, such as former Pentagon consultant Timothy Good, and author of Above Top Secret: The Worldwide U.F.O. Cover-Up, who in February 2012 stated that former President Dwight Eisenhower had three secret meetings with aliens who were ‘Nordic’ in appearance and wherein a ‘Pact’ was signed to keep their agenda on Earth secret.
With the recent discovery in the Russian city of Vladivostok of a 300-million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel, and scientists, astronauts and YouTube users reporting increasingly strange happenings on the moon, the European Space agency reporting their discovery of a 1,000 ancient river on Mars, and UK and Sri Lanka scientists saying they now have “rock solid proof of alien life” after finding fossilized algae inside meteorite, the only ones who seem to be truly “losing their minds” are the Western, especially American, propagandists who for decades have covered up one of the most important stories in all of human history that “we are not alone.”
To if Medvedev will be able to convince the Obama regime to tell the truth about UFO and aliens at the WEF this week it is not in our knowing. What is in our knowing, though, is that with or without the US, the Kremlin will surely begin the process of telling the truth about that which we already know to be true.
Monday, 28 January 2013
Sunday, 27 January 2013
French MP Makes Bold & Stunning Speach To The French Parliment, Standing Up Against Tyranny
Friday, 25 January 2013
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Wednesday, 23 January 2013
Monday, 21 January 2013
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Ben Fulford (Jan 14 2013) ~ Signs Of Cabal Defeat Are Proliferating
Benjamin Fulford
Signs that the Satanic cabal is headed for a decisive defeat are proliferating. One clear indication is that even corporate media has begun to report on Satanic paedophiliac ceremonies presided over by the likes of UK media star Jimmy Savile.
Furthermore, 311 tsunami and nuclear terrorist attack accomplice Senator J. Rockefeller announced he was not running for re-election. This is a sign the Rockefellers are joining the Bush clan in being ousted from secret power. In France, meanwhile, another cabal leader, former President Nicholas Sarkozy is facing criminal prosecution on charges of accepting bribes from foreign leaders. Then we have a mysterious visit by Obama to the Pentagon for a “personal fitness boot camp,” on January 12th.
Secret negotiations, meanwhile, continue to remove the US dollar from Federal Reserve Board control and into the hands of the 180 nation BRICS coalition. Despite attempts by cabalists to derail these talks, they are proceeding smoothly.
Also, the situation in the Middle East has taken a dramatic turn as control of Iraqi oilfields is being handed over to prominent Kurdish families as a part of the process of creating a Sunni super-state encompassing Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya. Three prominent Kurdish activists were killed last week to help facilitate
this process, according to MI5 sources. The Turkish government is being offered Kurdish oil money in exchange for allowing limited autonomy for Kurds. The killed activists were taking a more hardline stance than Mr. Ocalan, the jailed Kurdish leader who is negotiating with the Turks on this issue. If you ever saw the movie Midnight Express, about a Western male prisoner repeatedly raped in a Turkish jail, you might wonder if a Kurdish leader in a Turkish jail is the best person to be put in charge of the negotiations. One of the killed activists was Ocalan’s girlfriend.
In any case, it is the Talabani and Bazani families that now control the Kurdish oil in Northern Iraq, according to MI5. Turkey is expected to de facto donate a slice of its territory to the emerging Kurdish state in the Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Turkish border region in exchange for oil. This state would then become a part of the emerging Sunni alliance.
In Japan, meanwhile, the new government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has begun to force the Bank of Japan to issue more money. However, Abe still needs a credible backer in the underworld and among right-wingers to make sure his government does not succumb to secret bullying and personal threats as was the case with previous post-war governments. He has already been warned to avoid jingoism and concentrate on fixing the economy. In particular, he was told to call off his planned invasion of the island of Takeshima, controlled by South Korea but claimed by Japan. In a similar vein, efforts by cabalists to provoke a fight with China over the disputed Senkaku or Daiyu Islands will get nowhere.
Abe’s government is also aware that relying on the United States for Japanese protection is not a viable long-term strategy. That is why he is visiting Vietnam, Korea and Indonesia this week in the hopes of finding Asian partners who are also wary of Chinese hegemony. His government will further make approaches to Russia and India over the coming months in the hopes of building an alliance of nations that border China.
What he will find out, though, is that the 180 nation BRICS alliance, including China’s neighbours, does not function according to the Western created mentality of thinking of other countries as enemies.
World peace and harmony is the new approach and he had better figure that out.
Under the radar, meanwhile, efforts to get historical Asian gold deposits incorporated into the global financial system continue to blocked by cabalist forces. The people trying to prevent this make claims the gold is “communist Chinese,” in order to try to prevent it from being sold in exchange for a basket of currencies.
For that reason, the Chinese have been taking all the dollars they have and spending them on as many physical commodities as they can buy. The huge Chinese stockpiles of gold, food, iron ore, metals etc. that have resulted may be used to back a final push to remove the US dollar from cabal control. One plan being considered is for the BRICS to offer to exchange all US dollars for a new commodity backed currency (or various national currencies) during a fixed time period after which dollars would no longer be accepted.
This would force the United States to start issuing a government currency like greenbacks or else face complete economic collapse and chaos.
It is in the interests of the West to come to a compromise over that gold before the situation in Europe and North America deteriorates to the point of revolution.
On that note, the question of how long Obama will remain in power also remains unanswered. The gnostic illuminati say the staged Sandy Hook shooting incident may prove to be fatal for the Obama regime. The evidence that this was a staged mass shooting or else kidnapping of kids for Satanic ceremonies is becoming overwhelming. Here, for example, is Obama posing for a photo with one of the victims two days after she was supposed to have been shot. Here is another link
It may be that the entire Sandy Hook psychological warfare operation was deliberately sabotaged so that it would rebound back on the regime. The “personal fitness boot camp,” that Obama was forced to attend is pentagon talk for a disciplinary session, according to a Pentagon source. The military are, in fact, very upset about this incident and are trying to locate the children and round up the paedophilic Satanists who were entrapped by this flawed psy-ops.
That is also what is happening with the case of Jimmy Savile of the BBC. Savile used his job as a famous TV personality to recruit children for paedophilic politicians, according to MI5 sources. One of the most notorious was former Prime Minister Edward Heath who was “getting kids and killing them,” the MI5 sources say. The other Prime Minister was Gordon Brown who had “a prolific taste for young boys.”
Heath had his affairs at the Kensington Gardens hotel which, unbeknownst to him, was a KGB run hotel. Brown was subsequently photographed having sex with young boys and blackmailed by the KGB. The third Prime Minister linked to paedophiles is Tony Blair. However, the only hard evidence against Blair was the he once approached a man in a public toilet and asked for sex. The man happened to be an undercover police officer and Blair was arrested, the MI5 sources say.
We must ask ourselves “are these the sort of people we want to rule over us?”
Signs that the Satanic cabal is headed for a decisive defeat are proliferating. One clear indication is that even corporate media has begun to report on Satanic paedophiliac ceremonies presided over by the likes of UK media star Jimmy Savile.
Furthermore, 311 tsunami and nuclear terrorist attack accomplice Senator J. Rockefeller announced he was not running for re-election. This is a sign the Rockefellers are joining the Bush clan in being ousted from secret power. In France, meanwhile, another cabal leader, former President Nicholas Sarkozy is facing criminal prosecution on charges of accepting bribes from foreign leaders. Then we have a mysterious visit by Obama to the Pentagon for a “personal fitness boot camp,” on January 12th.
Secret negotiations, meanwhile, continue to remove the US dollar from Federal Reserve Board control and into the hands of the 180 nation BRICS coalition. Despite attempts by cabalists to derail these talks, they are proceeding smoothly.
Also, the situation in the Middle East has taken a dramatic turn as control of Iraqi oilfields is being handed over to prominent Kurdish families as a part of the process of creating a Sunni super-state encompassing Turkey, Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Libya. Three prominent Kurdish activists were killed last week to help facilitate
this process, according to MI5 sources. The Turkish government is being offered Kurdish oil money in exchange for allowing limited autonomy for Kurds. The killed activists were taking a more hardline stance than Mr. Ocalan, the jailed Kurdish leader who is negotiating with the Turks on this issue. If you ever saw the movie Midnight Express, about a Western male prisoner repeatedly raped in a Turkish jail, you might wonder if a Kurdish leader in a Turkish jail is the best person to be put in charge of the negotiations. One of the killed activists was Ocalan’s girlfriend.
In any case, it is the Talabani and Bazani families that now control the Kurdish oil in Northern Iraq, according to MI5. Turkey is expected to de facto donate a slice of its territory to the emerging Kurdish state in the Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, Turkish border region in exchange for oil. This state would then become a part of the emerging Sunni alliance.
In Japan, meanwhile, the new government of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has begun to force the Bank of Japan to issue more money. However, Abe still needs a credible backer in the underworld and among right-wingers to make sure his government does not succumb to secret bullying and personal threats as was the case with previous post-war governments. He has already been warned to avoid jingoism and concentrate on fixing the economy. In particular, he was told to call off his planned invasion of the island of Takeshima, controlled by South Korea but claimed by Japan. In a similar vein, efforts by cabalists to provoke a fight with China over the disputed Senkaku or Daiyu Islands will get nowhere.
Abe’s government is also aware that relying on the United States for Japanese protection is not a viable long-term strategy. That is why he is visiting Vietnam, Korea and Indonesia this week in the hopes of finding Asian partners who are also wary of Chinese hegemony. His government will further make approaches to Russia and India over the coming months in the hopes of building an alliance of nations that border China.
What he will find out, though, is that the 180 nation BRICS alliance, including China’s neighbours, does not function according to the Western created mentality of thinking of other countries as enemies.
World peace and harmony is the new approach and he had better figure that out.
Under the radar, meanwhile, efforts to get historical Asian gold deposits incorporated into the global financial system continue to blocked by cabalist forces. The people trying to prevent this make claims the gold is “communist Chinese,” in order to try to prevent it from being sold in exchange for a basket of currencies.
For that reason, the Chinese have been taking all the dollars they have and spending them on as many physical commodities as they can buy. The huge Chinese stockpiles of gold, food, iron ore, metals etc. that have resulted may be used to back a final push to remove the US dollar from cabal control. One plan being considered is for the BRICS to offer to exchange all US dollars for a new commodity backed currency (or various national currencies) during a fixed time period after which dollars would no longer be accepted.
This would force the United States to start issuing a government currency like greenbacks or else face complete economic collapse and chaos.
It is in the interests of the West to come to a compromise over that gold before the situation in Europe and North America deteriorates to the point of revolution.
On that note, the question of how long Obama will remain in power also remains unanswered. The gnostic illuminati say the staged Sandy Hook shooting incident may prove to be fatal for the Obama regime. The evidence that this was a staged mass shooting or else kidnapping of kids for Satanic ceremonies is becoming overwhelming. Here, for example, is Obama posing for a photo with one of the victims two days after she was supposed to have been shot. Here is another link
It may be that the entire Sandy Hook psychological warfare operation was deliberately sabotaged so that it would rebound back on the regime. The “personal fitness boot camp,” that Obama was forced to attend is pentagon talk for a disciplinary session, according to a Pentagon source. The military are, in fact, very upset about this incident and are trying to locate the children and round up the paedophilic Satanists who were entrapped by this flawed psy-ops.
That is also what is happening with the case of Jimmy Savile of the BBC. Savile used his job as a famous TV personality to recruit children for paedophilic politicians, according to MI5 sources. One of the most notorious was former Prime Minister Edward Heath who was “getting kids and killing them,” the MI5 sources say. The other Prime Minister was Gordon Brown who had “a prolific taste for young boys.”
Heath had his affairs at the Kensington Gardens hotel which, unbeknownst to him, was a KGB run hotel. Brown was subsequently photographed having sex with young boys and blackmailed by the KGB. The third Prime Minister linked to paedophiles is Tony Blair. However, the only hard evidence against Blair was the he once approached a man in a public toilet and asked for sex. The man happened to be an undercover police officer and Blair was arrested, the MI5 sources say.
We must ask ourselves “are these the sort of people we want to rule over us?”
Wednesday, 16 January 2013
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
Monday, 14 January 2013
Thursday, 10 January 2013
Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Ben Fulford (Jan 7 2013) ~ The Holiday Lull Is Over, The Fascist’s Days Are Numbered
Benjamin Fulford
The fight to over the world’s financial system has been in limbo over the new year’s holiday but big moves are now being made by various players in preparation for some upcoming decisive battles.In the US, Obama’s regime, in a show of bravado to hide fear and desperation, has announced it will issue trillion dollar coins, confiscate American’s guns, murder and imprison Americans without due process and eliminate term limits so Obama can be made dictator for life.
In the Middle-East, a move to revive the nation of Kurdistan, complete with control over massive oil fields, has slipped in under the radar. The Turks appear to have given a green light to this arrangement in exchange for promises of oil revenues, according to a Turkish government source.
The real game changer though, remains the ongoing process of bringing Asian gold and treasure holdings into play in the international financial system. Here some very nitty-gritty technical discussions are proceeding smoothly, if slowly.
The bottle-neck in bringing the Asian gold and treasure back into the global financial system, for the first time since President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, has been the question of who to put in charge and how to carry it out. There is concrete work going on to solve these issues but unfortunately, there is still a news embargo on the subject. However, the talks are highly detailed, involve well-known and not well-known players, smelters, warehouses of cash and other down-to-earth logistical issues. The new governments in Japan, North Korea, South Korea and China, however, are supporting this process, which is supposed to lead to the creation of a meritocratic world economic planning agency.
In the West, an exchange of hand-written memos has made it clear that the Freemasons, the gnostic illuminati and the eco-friendly branch of the Nazis, among others, also support the creation of such a meritocratic organization. Some of the major old world order bloodline groups are also tentatively supportive on the condition that traditional royal family perks remain in place.
The White Dragon Society has proposed that well-known and liked non-Western political veterans be put in charge of the initial staff selection for the agency. Three names in particular have been mentioned: Lee Kuan Yew, Mahathir Mohamad and Nelson Mandela.
None of these gentlemen have been contacted yet because the sherpas are still not finished with their work.
Such an agency would in no way replace existing structures but would instead be something entirely new and additional to the old order power structures.
The cabal, for its part, is still trying to threaten and terrorize the world in order to have its way. A recent report in the Jerusalem Post, wrongly attributed to the BBC, claimed that Iran had ordered the evacuation of 1.5 million people from the city of Ifshasan. This false report has been interpreted as a crude threat.
Despite such bravado, the situation in the Middle East seems to be moving towards some kind of settlement. The mercenary army in Syria has announced it is no longer being funded.
At the same time, two Kurdish families have been given control of vast oil fields in Northern Iraq with apparent Turkish agreement, according to MI6 and Turkish sources. The indications are that some sort of Sunni transnational alliance is emerging in the region and that the governments of Turkey, Egypt and Saudi Arabia are already on board.
The situation in the United States is a bit harder to read right now. As mentioned at the top, the Obama regime, while having prevented World War 3, is still very clearly a fascist, cabal controlled entity. Judging from the fact that top Bush/Clinton crime family members (Hillary and George Sr.) have been holed up in hospitals, it appears the US side of the cabal is now under the control of George Soros, the Rockefellers, Zbigniew Brzezinski and that group. In other words, the Nazi neo-con group lost a lot of influence when they failed to get their man Romney into the White House.
Clearly the way to liberate the United States and put an end to the fascist regime there remains removing cabal control of the process of monetary creation. This in turn hinges to some extent on the negotiations over Asian participation in that process. Some meetings this week might shed further light on how this process is advancing.
Another way to weaken cabal power is to attack the other big source (apart from central bank ownership) of their money: the international drug trade.
This newsletter has attempted to put a number on the scale of this trade by multiplying
UN estimates of drug production by the average retail price. This sheds some interesting light on the economics of “drug wars.” (fyi some weird formatting problem occurred in this word processor as soon as I started writing about drugs) Heroin production in Afghanistan runs at a bit under 10,000 tons per year, or about $500 billion dollars retail. Given the annual costs of the Afghan war being $122 billion, that means the occupation of Afghanistan, in business terms, yields an annual profit margin of about 400%. Throw in cocaine at about $82 billion a year, amphetamines at about $600 billion per year and Marijuana at $1.3 trillion per year and you can see this is a roughly $2.5 trillion a year business (four times the pentagon budget), mostly controlled by the CIA and its web of gangster affiliates.
Discussion with CIA, triad, yakuza, North Korean and South American drug mafias reveal that they are all open to becoming legal, tax-paying businesses if drugs are legalized or decriminalized. This is especially easy to argue with hemp and marijuana because the overwhelming evidence, both medical and sociological, is that it should never have been made illegal in the first place.
So, by returning the right to create money to governments and by decriminalizing drugs, it is possible to cut off most of the world’s terrorist financing.
The pharmacidical industry, another big cabal power spot, can also be co-opted by removing the taboo on life prolonging, life enhancing and pleasure giving medicines.
That would leave the cabal with just oil as its last big money generator. Fortunately, the oil people have already agreed to a phased in introduction of new energy technology and a transformation of their industry into a geo-engineering, materials and eco-system creating industry.
In any case, we hope that during the coming week the high level information embargo will end and concrete good news will become available.
Saturday, 5 January 2013
Friday, 4 January 2013
Thursday, 3 January 2013
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
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